Chapter 22

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Waking up beside Gaby this morning gave us a chance to have a little catching up after everything that's happened.

"So..., you and Pierre?" Before I've even finished talking she shakes her head.

"Nuh uh, you first. You and Charles slept together." Without realizing, a little smirk appears at my face. "And you're smirking, did you guys do anything?"

I shake my head quickly. "Of course not. We've said we're only going to be friends. And it was nice of him to come get me when you all left me all alone..." I use my overly dramatic voice on that bit and she just laughs at me and shakes her head. "But he's one of my best friends. Besides a little flirting, that's all there ever will be." She nods along, pretending to accept my word even though I know she doesn't.

"All I know is that I've not seen you as happy as you are when you're with him, maybe not even with me." I hit her arm when she acts like she's hurt.

"Stop it. That's not true. Anyway, you slept in Pierre's room." I don't say it as a question. I just state the fact and wait for her to elaborate.

"Yeah..." when she doesn't want to talk about something it can only mean two things. Either she's basically in love or she's deeply ashamed of something. By the blush on her cheeks I'm guessing option one.

"You had sex, didn't you?" She nods slowly and hides her smile in the pillow she's hugging. "Well how was it? How do you feel now, with him and all?"

"It was good. We talked all morning yesterday, it feels good. We're definitely not exclusive or anything, not even close. But I like him, and he said he likes me too." Without her sarcastic, crazy side, she can be so sweet.

"That's good. I think he's great." She nods, obviously agreeing.

"Do you know what else is great?" I frown, try to think of what she's implying.

"Tell me."

"When you and Charles gets over yourselves and realize you should be together, we can double." I laugh at her attempt.

"You can always dream." I'm not sure I'm telling her if myself at this point, but it doesn't really matter, it's not gonna happen.

Arriving at the hotel in Belgium felt lonely. After spending so much time with the drivers and Gaby and Luisa and Isa, it feels weird not having anyone to talk to constantly or complain about. It's just me.

At least it is for about seven minutes until I hear a knock on my door. I get myself out of the comfortable bed to open the door. Outside standing is Charles, with a grin plastered on his face. He looks too happy it makes me laugh at him.

"Couldn't stay away any longer?" He breaks out in laughter too before he hugs me around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and take in his scent.

"It was one long plane ride, you should know that." After we let go of the hug he walks around me and lies himself down on my bed. I just stand still looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"At least take your shoes off, I'm sleeping there." He rolls his eyes but does what I asked of him.


"Very." I grin, making him grab me and throw me on the bed beside him. I can't help but laugh.

Can't say I didn't miss this annoying child.

"So.. you excited for the race? Wasn't it your first win?" He turns his head to look at me, surprised.

"Aww, you're well informed about me." He ruffles my hair which makes me turn my head the other way.

Blinded - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now