Chapter 4

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I catch Charles' eyes a couple of times and I feel like that has happened quite a lot recently. It's like his eyes have become an usual appearance in my every day. I see him everywhere.

"I'll just go get a cup of coffee." I stand up and walk out of the meeting, over to the café. There are some guys in the line in front of me. My phone gets to be my distraction while I wait.

"Hey, what's up?" that's him again. Why is it that these last few days, I've interacted with this man more times than I ever have before. And do notice that I've worked in the same business as him for about three years.

"Yeah, hey!" I try to keep it short, not wanting to get too talky with him.

"So, how are..."

"Okay, Charles look, you helped me yesterday and I'm very thankful, but that doesn't really mean we're friends. I mean we've basically never spoken before." Just as the words leave my mouth I regret the harshness. He did help me from a really bad situation and here I am, scolding him like he's the worst person I've met.

"Okay I don't mean it like that. I'm really, really glad you helped away from that creep last night but it's not like you're my boyfriend, we don't talk on a regular basis.."

"Nah, I get it. 'See you around then'" he suddenly gets a dark look in his eyes. The look I'm used to see when he's around. He walks away and I follow him. I might have seemed a tad ungrateful I realize. He looks like he's walking over to the Ferrari garage.

"Charles wait.." he's walking upstairs to what looks like a corridor of offices. The only difference from our garage is that it's all red here, Ferrari red. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Stop following me, Bells." That's new. No one has ever called me Bells before, let alone not someone I don't know. It's always Bella or maybe Belly but I hate that one.

"Can you not act like that for one minute!?" we get to the top of the stairs.

"Like what!?" he turns around to me and walks closer. "How am I acting? Apparently we don't even know each other so how would you know?" he's now so close to me that I have to take a step back.

"Like I'm some fan girl hanging after you that you just can't stand. You have got to come back to earth." I have to bend my neck back a bit to look him in the eyes. Thad how tall he is. I've never noticed that before.

"I'm not acting like that. Though I did only seven hours ago save you from being kidnapped and god know what else so maybe it's you who should think about you attitude!"

"My attitude? Are you being serious right now? I thanked you, what else do you want from me!?" I'm basically screaming right into his face considering how close we are at the moment.

He just shakes his head to that and puts his hand next to my head, on the wall behind me. We've never been this close before. He doesn't answer me, it's like he went speechless from one second to another.

His face is so close now that I can see his eyes in a different way. They're green in the middle, around the iris. The exterior parts of his eyes are almost blue.

It's a perfect mix of the two colors, too perfect.

While I inspect his face I realize he is doing the same. Watching every little part of my face. We're just inches apart. Realization strikes him and he drops his head and shakes it again.

"You shouldn't be here, you're a red bull." I scoff at that and now I shake my head.

"Well, I'll just leave you here then, let me know if you want another thank you or anything." then I just go back to the meeting that I've now missed a lot of.

Blinded - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now