Chapter 19

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After a surprisingly good dinner, we're still sat in the kitchen around the table trying to decide what to do tonight.

Throughout the whole dinner, Charles has been throwing out snarky comments after everything I've said. How old is this guy? Five?

"I'm going out, does someone wanna come with?" After a bit of convincing, we're now all going to a club that of course Lando had found. In only an hour we're all ready and walk out of the house.

"Where's Charles?" I hear Carlos ask Pierre. Without making it obvious, I listen to his answer.

"He's staying in. Said he didn't feel like drinking, or clubbing for that matter, tonight." Pierre starts walking and I do too so they won't see that I had been listening, actually caring where Charles is. He's being so childish, not going out clubbing because of that fight?

Though I feel like a night out without Charles right now is exactly what I need. I just need to get my mind off him for a couple of hours.

After being at the club for exactly 45 minutes I've managed to do seven shots of vodka with Daniel and I've also almost finished my second drink. I see Max standing at the bar with some guy I don't recognize and since I can no longer spot either Luisa or Isa whom I was just with, I try to get to him.

After falling right into someone's chest, I manage to get through the crowd to Max.

"Heeey Maxiee!" He laughs at me and shakes his head at me.

"How are you already this drunk? You must be the most light weighted person I've met." I just laugh at him. I nod to him which earns me a laugh. I choose not to tell him why I'm really this drunk.

"Did you see how childish Charles was? Like why is he home?" I stumble upon the words, trying to make sense.

"He was obviously just jealous. Maybe he didn't want you to go on that date?" I shake my head at his statement.

That is ridiculous.

"Everyone needs to stop saying that. He's just a baby, I can't deal with that and clearly he can't deal with me either. Otherwise he would be here." Max definitely didn't ask for any of this but I keep talking everything on my mind.

"Well you just need to talk things trough."

"I don't wanna talk to him." I know I'm stubborn, but my guess is he doesn't want to talk to me either.

I walk towards the bathrooms but turn around in the way. I could swear I just heard Isa say something to me, I don't see her when I turn around so I keep walking into the restrooms.

"I love your top, it's gorgeous!" A girl comes up to me while I'm washing my hands.

"Oh you're so sweet, I would die for your boots." My eyes is directed at her feet covered in a pair of brown booths. We chat for a little while until her friend comes up to her and they walk out together.

Maybe I should find someone I know too.

I stumble out of the bathrooms and look around the club. It's hard to focus on all the moving people but I still don't see any familiar face. I try calling Isa and Luisa, and then Max when they don't answer. After the call goes to the answering machine for the second time I sigh heavily.

I scroll trough the names in my phone and press on the name of the person I want to call least out of everyone I can think of.

"Yes.." hearing him still be upset makes it hard to swallow my pride and ask him for help. Though I know I have no other choice right now.

God, I hate this.

"Hey Charlie, I know you're mad at me but everyone left." I try to explain as fast as I can but quickly realize he probably doesn't understand a word.

"What are you saying, Bells?" His voice is much calmer now.

"Please, please can you pick me up? I don't know how to get home and no one's here." I hear him sigh and move around on the other side of the line and a few seconds pass before he speaks.

"Send me your location, I'm on my way." I can physically feel my pulse slow down, knowing that he will be here soon.

"Thank you." After we hang up I hurry to send him the address of the club I'm in. Where the hell is everyone else?

I've never been more relieved than when I see Charles's text, saying that he's outside. I'm out of the club in seconds and I see the black rented car right in front of the door. He's on his phone when I approach the car but when he sees me, he puts the phone down.

"Jesus Bells, did you drink the whole bar?" I can't help but smile a little at him, ignoring his question. Just the fact that he's here is everything I needed right now, even if I won't admit that.

"We did shots, like many times." He bursts out in a little laughter, not being able to keep his anger facade.

"How many times? Like fifty?" I know he's joking now but my slow brain doesn't realize so I start to think back. I remember me and Daniel doing shots in the beginning of the evening, and me and Luisa taking absinthe shots later on.


"Dear god, you really are stupid." He just says it as a statement, not a question.

"Quiet please, not true." Now he's laughing for real and I recognize the comforting feeling I always gets when I'm in his presence.

"Thank you Charlie, I thought you wouldn't come." I'm whispering to not wake up the others in the rooms right next to mine and Gabys. The empty bed tells me Gaby is most likely staying with Pierre but I don't have the energy to process that right now.

"Go to bed, we'll talk tomorrow." I nod a bit and but I break the second I see him turn away, starting to walk out of my bedroom.

"Stay with me, please."

I see him fighting his own thoughts as he's just standing in the doorway for a few seconds, his eyes not leaving mine. After a couple of seconds I manage to see, even in the dark room we're in, how his gaze soften.

After that he takes the few steps that's left between him and my bed and lays himself down beside me. I make myself comfortable by laying my head on his chest with his arm around my back.

I feel him draw circles on my back. I'm calmer by the second with that.

"I'm sorry." I blurt out the words I've been thinking of saying the whole night.


"No I am. I'm..." he interrupts me before I even get to say it again.

"Bells, I don't want us to make up when you're drunk. Let's talk tomorrow, yeah?"

"So we just stay mad at each other the rest of the night then?" I feel him shake under me when he's laughing.

"Yeah, you can't believe how angry I am with you." A pit in my stomach, he sounds too serious.

"Really?" I lift my head up to look at him, only to be met by a smiling face. Now he's laughing at me again and I lay my head down again. "You're mean."

"Yeah, yeah okay. Go to sleep now, I'll be here tomorrow still." I cuddle myself into him even more and nod.

"Fine, but you better not have left when I wake up then." I can almost feel him smiling behind my head.

Just as I'm about to drift of to sleep I feel a pressure on my temple. He kisses me and whispers in my ear.

"Sleep tight, angel."

Blinded - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now