Chapter 24

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"Hey, pole sitter. Are you here yet?" I hold my phone against my ear with the help of my shoulder while I try to find my favorite lipgloss.

"I'll be there in two minutes." I hear the traffic in the background of the other line as Max is probably driving to my hotel. This, because I'm actually staying at a different hotel than him this weekend.

Max is on his way to pick me up and we're supposed to go to a pre-race dinner with the drivers and some of the people working with the teams. 

I have a few minutes of me finding my lipgloss, putting it on, picking some of my makeup to have in my bag with me and putting my shoes on before Max knocks on my door.

I limp over.

My foot is much, much better. It still hurts but not as much as before. Charles still thinks I shouldn't be walking on it yet, he says it'll slow down the healing process or whatever. But it feels fine to walk on now and I'm accepting that.

"You look great!" I smile at his compliment.

"Thank you. You look good too." I say after eyeing him up and down with his suit on. He gives me a warm hug. It's been a while since we spent time together just the two is us.

"It's a long time since we hung out just us, I've missed that. I feel like we only see each other at work. I" I nod to him.

"Yeah I know, I've missed it too." We start walking out of the hallway, towards the elevator.

Soon enough Max has taken us to the restaurant where the rest of the company is. I take a look at my golden watch on my left wrist and to my surprise are we right on time. 19:30.

I glance around the long table and see there are two empty seats across from each other with Checo and Carlos beside one and with Charles and and Oscar beside the other. It's almost like they're saved for us.

I sit down between Charles and Oscar after greeting the whole table. In a second i feel Charles lean into me on my right side and put his hand on my thigh.

"You look gorgeous, like crazy beautiful." I feel shivers down my spine when I hear his words. I bite my lower lip to keep everyone around me from seeing the huge smile that wants to creep up on my lips.

"Thank you. You're not to bad yourself." He gives my thigh a little squeeze making my stomach turn around.

"Not to bad? That doesn't sound very good." I let out a little laugh and turn my head around to look at him, locking our eyes, green meeting blue.

"You look incredible, Charles." His mouth twitches up in a grin. He presses a kiss on my cheek and keeps his head close, next to mine.

"Thank you, Isabella." I give him a smile before turning my head back, away from him. I pick up the menu to look for what to eat.

"How's your ankle?" I smile.

"It's fine Charlie. Just like it was fine an hour ago when you called me to check." I mock him a little for being so smothering. It hasn't gone by more than two hours without him calling or texting me to see that I'm still in fact, just as fine as I was the previous hour.

"Well sorry for caring. You don't take it seriously enough."

"It's a sprained ankle, it's not like I got run over."

"You almost did." Now I'm laughing because he's so serious.

"Well luckily I did not. I feel very fine, thank you."

Blinded - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now