chapter 3

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"I've been looking for you." I recognize that whisper from earlier this night. Nicholas. I turn around to face him and we start dancing to the loud music. He puts his hands on my waist and guide my hips around.

I catch someones eyes on me behind the guy I'm dancing with. I focus my eyes enough to see who it is and as soon as I do, I flick my eyes back to Nicholas.

After catching Charles' eyes another three times he starts walking towards us. When he pasts me, he makes sure to brush his fingertips against my bare arm. We keep eye contact the whole time too, except for when I look down at the touch.

He comes closer and whisper in my ear, just the way Nicholas was doing before.

"You wanted to be next, or why are you staring?" I watch him take a step back and walk over to another corner of the club. I find myself struggling to keep my eyes off him.

"So Red bull, Mclaren AND Ferarri, huh?" Nicholas says, he obviously saw the interaction I myself have a hard time to take in.

"Yeah no, he's just a.." I pause and I realize that I don't know what our status is. Like enemies? That's maybe harsh. I've only talked to him in work-related situations, tough he isn't really my coworker. He is more like a rival.

"... a friend?" he tries to continue my sentence.

"No..., no I wouldn't say that." I still have my gaze set on the monegasque driver just like he has on me. "You know what, I...I have to... yeah.." I drift off and with no further explanation I walk over to Charles.

"What the hell is with you?" I say slight annoyed of him but mostly annoyed of how much he had affected me, but he doesn't need to know that detail.

"You just seemed into it, I mean you had another guy drooling all over you and you still couldn't get your eyes off me." he is so unbelievably arrogant, I can't even believe it.

He's smirking.

"What? You sound like a jealous boyfriend. You don't even know me." I tell him frustrated. "You're a dick, you know that?" he laughs at me and he makes sure to not leave his gaze from my eyes.

"And you're still here talking to me." now he's grinning even, like he's accomplished something. He almost looks proud of himself. I just shake my head and walk away. "Pathetic" I mumble while looking for a friendly face around the club.

I quickly realize there are way too many people in here to go around looking for someone and I'm not really in my best state right now either.

Instead I start walking towards the exit to get some fresh air. Maybe it was not such a good idea to do six shots in a row with Max when we came here. The line to get in is still long, maybe even longer than when we arrived. I walk straight trough the line to get away from all the people, or straight might not be the right word. Suddenly my legs feel like cooked spaghetti.

I try to close my eyes for a second to get back my regular sight but it's still blurry when I open them up again. I feel myself having a hard time standing up and just before I land on the ground, I feel a pair of strong arms catching me by my arms and I smile. "Thaanks" I tell that someone.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." Who would call me sweetheart? Not someone I know I think. If someone it would be Max, and he would not be serious.

"Are you max? You don't smell like Max." I state. This guy also don't feel like Max, or seem like him at all. I know Max is much more talkative when he's been drinking.

"I'm not Max, no." the guy says and that makes me try to sober myself up best I can. Not very successful though.

"Who is this? I don know you." I squirm in the mans grip but he just tighten the hold he has on my arms. "Can you stop, I need to.. you need to stop."

Blinded - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now