Chapter 10

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"You have to improve your planning skills, we should have been at the airport twenty minutes ago!" Usually I'm good at multitasking but having Christian trying to hurry me up by yelling at me as I'm still trying to figure out where I put my passport is not working well for me.

"I know, I know. Give me ten seconds I just need to find my passport." To my luck, he picks up his phone to take a call and I have some time to go trough my bag before we have to sprint over to the gate.

Luckily I find my passport at the bottom of my bag and we get on the plane in time, though I didn't have any time to buy any snacks for the plane. I have 20 hours in front of me without any snacks, great.

Max: You here yet?

Me: Be there in five

I haven't seen Max since we talked in the hospital after his and Charles' crash. I kinda miss him, we often try to see each other if it's long between the races but we haven't this time. His absence has really been noticeable to me.

"You have been missed." A pair of strong arms slips around my waist from behind. Max lifts me up and I laugh at him.

"Hey, are you feeling better?" He drops me so that I can turn around to see him.

"Drop that concerned face, I'm fine. Just like I was fine the twelve times you've called the last two weeks." I smile at him. I hear in his voice that he's teasing me.

"Well excuse me for worrying about my friend." We walk together towards the elevator of the hotel, having to past a number of people recognizing Max. He doesn't seem to mind, though.

"Is everyone staying here this weekend." I see the back of his head nodding as he presses the elevator button to go up.

"Yeah, they're all around her somewhere. Why?" My irritation towards Charles is still intact. Now that I know he's okay after their accident, I'm back to being mad at him. I haven't seen him or even spoken to him once in the last two weeks.

He's been bugging my mind to say the least. Not one hour has passed where I haven't thought of him and it's highly annoying.

"Nothing. Just wondering." I am aware of the fact that I will have to talk to him this weekend. I'm dreading that conversation already.

"I'm meeting up with some of them tonight. There is this club that Carlos really wanted to go to, wanna come with?" With Carlos being there I can just assume Charles will be as well. Though that's not an excuse not to go that I can tell Max.

"Sure, text me when to be ready and I'll see you later." He nods to me and I walk over to my room which I lock up with the key card I got in the hotel lobby.

It's incredible how my jet lag isn't worse right now. I open an energy drink and take the first sip before I walk into the bathroom, my makeup bag in my hand.

After washing my face I pick up my phone to check the message I heard before.

Max: Meet us in the lobby at eight. xx

Me: I'll be there, see you later

The time being six thirty I start doing my make up just to be done with it. I blow dry my hair to give it some volume, more than it had after the plane ride.

At 8:20 I walk into the lobby, seeing Max, Yuki, Lando, Pierre and Charles sitting there, waiting for me.

"You must be the slowest person in the world." Pierre who uttered the words looks bored out of his mind.

"C'mon, I'm only twenty minutes late." We all start walking, me between Max and Lando. "So, isn't some of the girls coming. I'm feeling a bit pointed out here." They laugh.

Blinded - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now