8. Our place

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Inaya's POV

I was in my class concentrating what the professor was teaching when someone on my right nudged my elbow a little. I snapped my gaze towards it and saw a pretty girl smiling at me.

We started talking and i got to know her name is Riya. She has a twin brother Ishaan and she was telling me how annoying he is. She even warned me to ignore him.

We became friends and i even told her to join us during lunch. She's talkative but i really liked her vibe and personality.

We went to the cafe and settled where eman and alizeh were. We were chatting when someone wrapped his arm around riya's shoulder and squeezed hard.

"Get lost duffer" riya said in an annoying voice. The guy mimicked her and they started bickering while we were awkwardly staring at them. "Uhh guys we are here too" alizeh said catching their attention.

"Hello myself ishaan, and what about you pretty ladies?" the guy said leaning forward. Riya smacked his head from behind to which he winced. "Sorry guys this is my annoying brother" she said making ishaan roll his eyes. "You're the one who's annoying" ishaan said while taking a bite of her lunch. They started fight again. They fight just like tom and jerry. It was funny how they didn't left any chance to get on each other's throat.

Riya and ishaan soon became our good friends and i was happy that i got my little friend circle now. We were laughing and chatting when bell rang and we all parted our ways to get to our classes.

This was my last class for today so i decided to go to library after that.

From library i remembered that after the little interaction with rayan last time we often met again. And we actually got a little closer too. I got to knew many things about him as we would chat while reading books. It's become like a routine whenever we're free we go there.

He by the end usually sleeps and i also sometimes watch him like that. It's not like i'm a creep or something but there's nothing wrong in admiring god's work of art right? 'Or maybe it's something else' my subconsciousness stated but i shrugged it off.


I left for library as soon as my class ended. It'll be a lie if i say that i wasn't excited to meet a certain someone.

The library was quite full today. I was searching in hopes of finding him then suddenly someone whispered in my ear in a deep voice which made me shiver "looking for me sweetheart?" I turned around only to see rayan grinning widely causing his dimples to peek out.

My cheeks are probably red by now due to his new nickname for me.

"U-uh i n-no" i mentally slapped myself for stuttering. 'God why does he has such an affect on me?' i thought.

Rayan grabbed my hand and started dragging me with him somewhere "i have something to show you" he said. We were now at the end of the library and no one was there. He pointed towards a door which was quite hidden but it looked like a store or something. He went forward and opened it while gesturing me to follow him. I looked at him sceptically but nonetheless followed him.

As i entered i was speechless and a gasp left my mouth. The sight infront of me was the most gorgeous one. It was a small room with two bean bags decorated with fairy lights and a little table which had some snacks.

It was so cute and cozy. I was admiring it when rayan asked "Uh do you like it?." I looked at him and said while squealing a little "I love it" and went to sit on the bean bag. Rayan also sat next to me while smiling "I discovered it just yesterday and thought you would like it" he said.

"Absolutely, thanks i love it alot this can be our place you know like those secret hideouts" i replied. He looked at me quietly for a while then he whispered "our place" and i just shyly smile and looked down.

We spent a little time there and then came out sneakily as we don't wanna get caught. Then we bid byes and he reminded me of his game which was tomorrow.


The cheers of people were heard as we entered the ground. I was here with alizeh, eman and riya. Ishaan was playing too. We settled into benches and everyone was screaming loudly as the members started coming.

I saw ishaan, ali bhai and other boys but rayan was nowhere to be seen. Then the screams got louder and i saw rayan coming he was looking so attractive in his jersey and shorts. He looked at the crowd searching for someone when our gaze locked and he smiled. I felt my heart pacing faster.

Soon the game started and rayan's team was ahead of the other team. Rayan was playing so professionally. His movements were quick and stable. Soon they won and everyone cheered loudly including alizeh and riya.

After some time ishaan, bhai and some other boys came towards us. Rayan was talking to someone who i suppose is the coach. "Hey girlss" ishaan said in a loud voice and riya shook her head at his antics.

We all congratulated them and then rayan also came. "Guys since we won lets do a party." one of the guys said and all other agreed. They then looked at us waiting for our answers but before i could deny alizeh and riya shouted "Absolutely yes." Then they all looked at me with anticipation and i laughed awkwardly before muttering a small 'sure'.

I've never been a party type of person. I just hope i don't regret saying yes *sigh*


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