25. Hoor Pari

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Inaya's POV

"Woah, you guys lit the stage on fire!" alizeh exclaimed as we got down the stage and joined them.

"Truly, i didn't know you could dance like this bhai" eman said to rayan while grinning.

"You didn't even inform anyone about this performance" bhai also joined in teasing.

"Well it was like a surprise, for my sweetheart" rayan said looking at me and i blushed.

"Ooooo" they teased us and my cheeks turned more red.

Rayan and bhai left soon leaving us girls.

We were taking pictures and chatting randomly when someone decided to join us.

"Hey girls, missed me?" it was adnan. I didn't knew he would come. I looked at eman to see if she's fine but she was red. And not because of anger this time but for some other reason instead. She kept avoiding looking at him while he only had his eyes on her. Hmm there's definitely something which we don't know about.

"Guys look at this!" alizeh exclaimed excitedly showing us her phone.

It was a picture of me and rayan earlier from when we were at the stage. My hands around his neck and his on my waist while were staring deeply in each other's eyes. A gentle smile graced his lips.

"Awwww" alizeh and eman both awwed while looking at the picture.

I snatched the phone from alizeh and immediately forwarded the picture in my phone. I smiled as i looked at the picture. It was perfect! We were perfect!

"Let's go take pictures with bhai and bhabhi" eman held our hands and dragged us with her towards the stage.

"Hey bhabhi! These are my bestfriends. This is inaya and that is alizeh" she introduced us to the bride.

"Hello" me and alizeh greeted with gentle smiles which she returned back.

After introductions and chatting for a while we left the stage as it was quite late and we were about to go back home. I was so tired i just wanted to go home change into comfy clothes and get out of these annoying heels!


"Ufff inaya stand straight!" alizeh exclaimed in annoyance.

I stopped wiggling and froze there while she helped me with the saree i was struggling with for about an hour.

Today was the last function, the waalima and the dress code was saree. I haven't worn a saree ever before that's i was struggling with it. I tried to wear it myself after watching about three tutorials on youtube but it ended up looking like i wrapped a bedsheet around me. That's why i asked for alizeh's help, who is definitely a professional judging by the way she was already ready in her blue and silver saree.

"There you go.." she turned me towards the mirror after she was done. I smiled after looking at myself. The coral coloured saree with a full sleeved blouse wrapped around my body perfectly. My straight hair left open, few strands falling on my face. And i did a little more makeup than usual but still not too much. I felt.. pretty.

"Omg you guys look so gorgeous!" eman complimented us as soon as we reached the venue and joined her.

"You don't look less yourself" we complimented back and she twirled a little.

While we were chatting and taking pics, someone or should i say that fevicol interrupted us. She stood infront of us and then glared at me as if i've done some crime.

"Do you need anything?" eman asked her in an annoyed tone.

"Yes i need to talk to her" she pointed towards me and i raised my eyebrows at her.

The Unintentional Meet ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora