You walked away from the counter, not wanting the woman to hear your conversation with your mom.

Before you even called your mother you were thinking of an excuse, you mumbled to yourself, "He could be a friend from work and he got hurt real bad." You looked to Bakugo, he was leaning back against the chair as a child pestered him.

You shook your head, "Not a good idea, I'd have to explain the wound," you kept on mumbling. "Keep it short and sweet, no details and she won't know." And now that you finally knew your plan, you were ready to call her. 

"Who's this?" A familiar voice rang out from the phone. "It's me, Y/n, mom," you said as you squinted your eyes, getting ready for her outburst.

"Where are you?! We were about to call the police for a missing child!" She shouted through the phone, making you pull the phone away from your ear.

"I'm at the hospital right now."

"What? Why? Are you hurt? What happened?" Your mother shouted in concern through the phone.

"I'm alright, it's my friend. He's hurt real bad and I took him to the hospital," you explained as you heard your mother's heavy breathing through the phone.

"Which hospital? I'll pick you up."

After a few minutes of talking and explaining to your mom, she was going to pick you and 'your friend' up from the hospital and have a more deep conversation at home about 'the friend' staying somewhere.

You walked back to the counter and slid her phone back to her, saying, "Thank you." You couldn't help but feel grateful for this woman's compassion and trust. 

As you walked back to Bakugo a man called out, "Kastuki Bakugo," making you turn to his direction.

A man stood at the front desk, he was clearly a nurse due to the fact that his uniform consisted of a short-sleeved navy blue button-up shirt, perfectly pressed and tucked into his navy blue pants.

The shirt was adorned with a small silver pin of a caduceus, symbolizing his role as a medical professional. The navy blue color complemented his light brown skin tone, giving him a professional yet approachable appearance.

His hand gripped tightly onto the chart he held as he repeated, "Is there a Kastuki Bakugo in the waiting room?" You waited for Bakugo to respond but he never did, he just stared at you as if you were supposed to.

"Yeah, he's right there," you replied as you walked up to the nurse.

Bakugo groaned as he stood up, following to where you were. "Here," Bakugo said as he pressed the clipboard he held onto the nurse's chest. 

"Ok then, follow me," the nurse said as he held the door open for Bakugo.

You went to go sit back down but something unpredicted happened.

"Let's go, extra," Bakugo said as he grabbed you by the collar of your coat and started to drag you.

"I think I should wait out here," you said, trying to excuse yourself from seeing blood.

Bakugo quickly responded to your excuse, "You brought me here, you're fucking sticking with me."

Now you were stuck with him, dreading the moment of the stitches.

The nurse took Bakugo to a nearby room as Bakugo reluctantly walked forward.

Every time you looked at him he gave you a hard, cold glare. The nurse then instructed him to lay down on the bed, as he did so the nurse got ready to clean the wound.

"Let's see that cut, big guy," the nurse chuckled as he rolled a small, metal table toward the bed. 

Bakugo grunted in response as he unzipped the black coat, revealing the once gray sweater that now had dark, red spots of blood.

Bakugo pulled off the gray sweater as nurse grabbed some latex gloves, you watched as he flicked them onto his wrists, the gloves snapped into place, sealing tightly around his wrists.

Now visible was Bakugo's shirt of his hero costume, the wound slashed straight through his abdomen, ruining his shirt. And this deep cut was still bleeding, you looked away not wanting to see anymore.

"Anime fan, I see," the nurse said as he examined the cut. Bakugo squinted his eyes at him in confusion, not understanding what he meant. 

The nurse pulled Bakugo's shirt up, revealing his toned body. You looked away for a moment, wanting to respect Bakugo's privacy but couldn't help but take another peek. He began cleaning and carefully examining the wound, Bakugo winced in pain as the nurse did.

He tried not to show how painful it was, remaining still throughout the whole cleanup.

"So how did this happen?" The nurse asked as he got the needle ready.

"A guy with a blade qu- a blade. Stupid guy with a knife cut me," Bakugo told him, leaning back for the procedure.

You held back vomit as you watched the nurse get right into it, you didn't know how Bakugo could look like it didn't hurt at all.

You quickly stood up, you couldn't just sit there anymore. "I'm going to wait outside," you said as you excused yourself.

Bakugo stared at you wide eyed in confusion as you opened the door and left. 

You slowly closed the door behind you, trying not to dry hurl air. You shuddered at the thought of the needle piercing the skin, you knew you could never be an employee at the hospital. 

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