"I'm not hungry" I say and cosmo gets off my bed and goes downstairs, "y/n mum said you have to come" she says " I've eaten though" I say "and cosmo was there when I had it" I add and she rolls her eyes.

She leaves my room and I go back on my phone, then I whine when someone opens my door, "y/n Johansson are you high?" My mum asked me "noo why would you think that" I obviously lied.

"Y/n what did I saw about smoking and getting high" she says and I shrug "I don't really remember" I say and she sighed, "your grounded" she says leaving my room.

I ended up falling asleep and got away with not having dinner, then I wake up in the morning and get up. I wished I could just never wake up, I sighed and then remembered I'm grounded so I'll have to just go to school then come back home.

I get ready just wearing a jersey and some jeans then grabbed my bag and made sure I grabbed some weed and my vape.

I was just about out of weed cuz I only asked for like three so I was gonna get some more after school, I leave my bedroom to see everyone in the kitchen and then cosmo ran up to me and hugged me.

I smiled and kissed his head and left without saying a word to anyone, as I was walking to school I saw Lila walking with Kate, and we both don't like Kate.

First off Kate ruined my life when she moved to my school, and now she's talking to Lila and Lila knows what she did to me and that's just hurts.

So when I got to school I went straight to the bathrooms and saw them both talking, I rolled my eyes and went into a stall and stayed there until lunch time.

I did skip all my classes but I didn't care at this point, and I was just thinking to myself what did I do wrong, what did I do to Lila to make her hang out with her. She was fine when we were on facetime and wasn't mad at me.

But I guess it always has to be me, now my mum hates me, my sister hates me, and now my best friend hates me. That's when I start crying, all my thoughts were coming back, to start again, to cut again. I should've jump off the bridge that day.

And then I looked for my kit that I have in my bag, no one knew about it cuz I didn't tell anyone. I found it, it had plaster and other stuff, but the only thing I was looking for was the blade.

I needed to feel something other than the hate that everyone had towards me. I was 3 months clean and I lost my streak in the school bathroom, I ran the blade across my skin, I didn't even cry, it felt good, I missed the feeling of it going across my skin.

After I let it bleed I grab some plasters and put them on my arm then put my sleeve down. I looked at my phone and it was last period, so I just left school to get more weed and maybe some pills.

I was walking and saw them at the same spot and went up to them, "what do you want now kid?" One of the guys ask "weed and some pills" I say handing them 200$ and the gladly take it and had my a bag of weed and pills.

It was around 1:50pm so I had around an hour to kill so I went to the park and had some of my vape instead of the weed, I mean I got a of weed now but I just don't wanna use it in one use.

Then I see luka and Maia come up to me with some beers and weed, "hey guys" I say "hey why weren't you at school?" Luka asks "I was at school just hiding in the bathroom" I say calmly and they nod.

"Want some?" Maia asked and I nodded my head as she passed me a beer and a joint, it was around 2:50 when I looked at the time, "shit I have to go I'm grounded" I say giving the rest of the joint to Luka.

"Okay and make sure you come to classes or I'll find which bathroom your in and come and get you myself" Luka says and I just laugh and start walking home.

SCARLETT/NATASHA X DAUGHTER ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now