Book II: Chapter 43

Start from the beginning


"Did he really just leave us like that?" Weiss fumed in rage.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to..." Penny said, trying to console her friend.

Off to the side, Winter Schnee pursed her lips. Perseus had left them due to the bandit queen refusing to bow down. Yet, not only that, but he had taken the two assassins with him, and left them behind to 'defend Raven'.

There was a bitter taste in Winter's mouth at doing so...

She had to admit, part of her felt like rebelling or revolting, and simply leaving the camp. But General Ironwood had given her explicit instructions to trust Perseus.

Still, she had faith that he would be back. Back before Cinder Fall and that woman approached.


Team JNR plus Yang, Qrow, and Tai, were currently approaching the town of Shion. They had passed through the end of the forest.

Seemingly coming out of nowhere, a giant tornado exploded out from the brush of the forest. Qrow and Tai sensed it, pushing the group out of the way, and Tai tanked the hit, while Qrow, on the other hand, was glanced by the tornado.

To Qrow, the tornado, on the second inspection, seemed dust-generated, and his suspicions were proven right when two men approached their group.

One was wearing a brown cloak and a brown ponytail, with a certain maniacal look in his yellow eyes. The other was a towering giant with brown hair and brown eyes and wore a coffee-colored cloak.

"Callows and Rainart..." Qrow mumbled.

"Oh, but you are correct, my fellow comrade!" Callows grinned at them, crazed, "We are all devout worshippers of her Divine Presence, her Goddess Salem!"

"Don't mind him. We're just here to take care of business. Nothing personal," Rainart grunted at them.

"H-Hazel?" Taiyang asked in pure confusion, recognizing the man. He had been a professor back when they were third years at Beacon.

"Hello, Tai."

"They're trying to delay us..." realized Jaune, his analytical prowess coming to show. The Branwen tribe was on the other side of town, according to Qrow.

"How much have you improved your semblance? Can you get us to the other side of town?" he whispered frantically to Ruby.

"I-I can get maybe two people?"

"Take Yang." Yang was the best fighter here that they could spare, and she wasn't as big and heavy as he was.


"No buts. We can survive, at least until you get back. Just go, now!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Ruby made a mad dash for Yang, grabbing her by the shoulders, and she burst into petals, skirting past Tyrian Callows and Hazel Rainart. The rose petals landed behind her as she quickly blazed away, towards the other side of the town.

"An interesting decision..." mumbled Hazel, his hand caressing the beard of his chin.

"It doesn't matter!" Tyrian jumped and whooped giddily, like a child who had just received their favorite toy. "We'll make all you non-believers into true, devout worshipers of Her Goddess by the end of the night!"


"Well, we're here. Shion. Do you want me to land, Miss Nikos? Or..."

The pilot's words died in his mouth as he watched the two girls jump off and out of the bullhead into empty air without the slightest hesitation.

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