Chapter 8

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Ruby slammed a book onto the table.

"Ahem. Brother! Sisters! Friends! Weiss..."

"Hey!" the ice queen herself objected, as Ruby smirked at her. Percy only rolled his eyes, his raven hair looking as disheveled as ever. His deep sea-green eyes looked vaguely interested in her speech, shining with a bit of mirth. Ruby could get lost in those eyes for hours...

Snap out of it. You have a speech to give, she reminded herself.

She cleared her throat, "I had a dream...A dream that one day, the four of us would come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had... ever!"

"Did you steal my binder?" Weiss stared at her accusingly.

Uh... maybe? Hehe.

"No, I would never! I'm no such crook," she stated with the most serious face possible, even if Percy snorted in disbelief.

Nooooo Percy! Why are you blowing my cover??

Blake looked utterly confused, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!"

"I always kick my semesters off with a Yang!"

Percy elbowed her in the side, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

An apple hit Yang in the nose, "Booooo!" Nora yelled.

"It's been two weeks, and with more and more exchange students arriving from Haven academy and what not, and the Vytal tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But classes start back up tomorrow, so I scheduled a bunch of exciting and wonderful events for us today!"

Weiss narrowed her eyes, "I don't know whether to be excited or scared of what you have in store."

"No worries ice queen," Percy spoke, smirking at the glaring Weiss, "I'm sure we can trust Ruby here. Right Ruby?"

"Of course," she agreed.

"I don't know," Blake piped up, "I think I might sit this one out."

"Nope, nope, nope," Ruby objected, "We're doing this as a team, right team leader?"

"Right," Percy backed her up, smirking at the expressions on the rest of the team's faces.

"I think we should do this as a team," Weiss said, standing up, "I for one, think that-"

A cake landed on her face perfectly. Ruby couldn't resist bursting out in giggles, and a food fight started.

Percy groaned, "I'm heading back to the dorm-"

A pie splattered onto his face.

He sighed, "If team JNPR wants a fight, they'll get a fight."

Ruby grinned. Now that was the spirit!



"Hello, general," Ozpin rose to meet him, hands clasped behind his back.

"Please, drop the formalities. It's been too long! And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met."

"Oh, James," Goodwitch waved a hand, "I'll be outside."

And then she left.

"Well, she hasn't changed a bit," Ironwood commented.

"So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?" Ozpin asked, pouring a cup of coffee for the general, "Headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal Festival."

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