Commencing Healing

Start from the beginning

As you pushed yourself through the crowd, your eyes constantly darted back and forth as you made your way towards the other side. The buildings around you seemed to tower over you, their windows reflecting the bright lights of the city.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when the collar of your coat got snagged back.

"I said stop going so damn fast," Bakugo said, keeping a hold on the collar of the coat.

You tried to push yourself forward but Bakugo wasn't going to let you go, he pulled you straight back to stand beside him.

"We're gonna get run over if you don't walk faster," you warned.

And then there was a beep of a horn, you looked to your side to see a car barely inches away from you, beeping repeatedly. You stared at the driver confused but then looked up to see the signal for walking was now gone.

The person in the car rolled down their window and stuck their head out, shouting, "Get outta the way!"

"Shut the fuck up and keep driving extra," Bakugo retorted back at the driver as he kicked the front bumper of the car.

"Don't hit my car you scrubby hobo," the driver shouted.

You watched as the driver's hand reached out and pressed down on the horn, the sound echoing loudly through the street. The horn blared, a sharp and piercing sound that seemed to cut through the noise of the city.

You stared at Bakugo, hoping what you thought he was going to do wasn't what he was thinking.

Bakugo let go of the collar of your coat, ready to get deeper in the argument.

"Bakugo, let's go," you said to him as you pulled his wrist.

He glowered at you for a second but went right back at looking at the driver. "It's Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight."

"Ok, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, let's get off the road. We can't start problems with quirks if there are no quirks here," you explained as Bakugo kept on a scowl on his face as he stared at the driver.

With a few strong pulls, you dragged Bakugo off of the road and onto the sidewalk.

You warned Bakugo, "This is why we walk fast around here." It clearly looked like Bakugo didn't hear a word you said, he was so focused on staring down the driver that he ignored you.

"Kusodoraiba," Bakugo said through gritted teeth.

"That's really rude, you should say nicer things like informing driver," you told Bakugo with a nudge. He glared down at you and grumbled, "Whatever."

The two of you walked down the streets of the city, Bakugo keeping a hold of you by your coat. It embarrassed you as people gave silent glances, you slowed your walk down, it looked as if you were a child needing to be held onto.

"Ok, I get it, you don't need to hold me," you pouted.

Bakugo responded with one word, "Uso-tsuki."

"I'm not lying right now, it's embarrassing. Stop holding me," you complained as you tried to swat his hand away from your coat.

With a push forward Bakugo let go of your coat, you fixed your disheveled coat and gave Bakugo a look. Then went on with your walk to your destination, with a turn of a corner you were there. 

"Wow, walking takes a long time," you joked as you dragged Bakugo quickly to the front doors of the place.

"What the fuck are we doing here?" Bakugo spat as he slapped your hands away from him.

"I told you we were going to the hospital, you're practically bleeding to death."

"So you're saying I spent three hours on a bus and walking around a damn city to go to a shitty hospital?" Bakugo retorted, stepping up to you.

You looked up at him with wide eyes, "Yeah," you stated with a click of your tongue.

"Oh my fucking god, what don't you understand in that damn head of yours?"

"You need to go to the hospital, we don't know when you're going to get back."

"That was supposed to be today, I was supposed to be back today but since you care about a fucking scratch we're here instead of where we're supposed to be," he shouted in your face.

You weren't going to let him treat you like dirt after all you've done for him. "I could've let you explode away instead of telling you where you were. I helped you, I am helping you," you shouted straight back at him.

"I don't even want your fucking help, I just needed you to do one damn thing and you can't even do that, this is why I don't trust shitty extras."

"I may be an extra in your mindset but I know when someone is hurt, you're hurt whether you'd like to accept that or not. We don't have any Recovery Girls here or anyone with quirks that could help you, I know for a fact you're not getting home today," you stated as you asserted your ground.

It became silent as the two of you stared each other down. Bakugo may not have known you but you knew him, he was silent when it came to himself. It was like if saying 'you're hurt' was a weakness.

You closed your eyes for a moment and slowly breathed in and out, you re-opened your eyes. You had to be calm not for him but for yourself. "I know you're a stubborn person but you aren't stupid," you calmly mentioned.

That one statement changed the way Bakugo looked at you, as if he saw you in a different perspective now.

He leaned his shoulders back and looked up, he then grumbled under his breath and looked down at you.

You kept the same face continuously as he kicked air and said, "Sure, whatever. Do your shit."

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