43. Kiss Her

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''You're going the wrong way. My mother is in Westeros. Westeros is west. We're heading east."'

"I'm not taking you to your mother."

"You said you were taking me to the Queen." Tyrion reminded him.

"I am. Queen Daenerys Targaryen. She's the Queen I serve."

"What a waste of good kidnapping." Tyrion mused "So happens we were heading there ourselves. Not on purpose on my part, I want to go home but Varys made some claims and my father being my father-"

"What business would you have with the Queen?"

"Gold and glory. Oh, and hate. If you've ever met my sister, you'd understand. But I do want to go home. Varys kidnapped me. I have been kidnapped and abducted more times than I can count in the past year alone." Tyrion realized. Jorah stared back at him. "My father and sister hate me, my mother loves me. She is the queen now in case your information is slow on this side of the narrow sea." Tyrion added. "So now that it's clear we're on the same side?" Tyrion lifted his arms with a cheeky smile, being as sarcastic as ever since he knew the man wouldn't untie him. Jorah didn't budge though. With a sigh, Tyrion let his hands fall back on his lap looking around as Jorah paddled.

"A high born knight from the North of Westeros, down on his luck in Essos. Dragon epaulettes?" Tyrion spoke. "Bear sigil breast plate. You're Jorah Mormont. I have to ask how, exactly, were you serving your Queen in a whorehouse, half a world away? Is it possible, that you were running? Why would you be running? And why would she have sent you away? Oh, wait!" Tyrion said victoriously. "You were spying on her, weren't you? It's all coming back to me! You passed notes to Varys's little birds. She found out, didn't she? Found out and exiled you." Tyrion didnt hesitate, he kept going knowing Jorah probably wouldn't kill him. "And now you hope to win back her favor with a gift. A risky scheme. One might even say, desperate. Do you think Daenerys would execute me, and pardon you? I'd say the reverse is just as likely." Tyrion said with a smirk, considering my mother is Targaryen but Jorah had heard enough from him, he rushed across the little boat over to Tyrion and punched him unconscious. Tyrion woke up some time after that, blinking his eyes, his face screwed up in pain. Bound hands rubbed at his face.

"Seven hells, Mormont. You didn't have to hit me that hard." Tyrion declared.

"You annoyed me, Imp." Jorah countered sternly.

"If I annoy you so much, why not kill me?"  Tyrion hissed, Jorah sighed heavily, considering hitting Tyrion once more.

"I need you, since you're a Lannister. Your sister married King Robert, the man whom slayed the Queen's brother and your brother killed her father. She hates the Lannisters.''

"I doubt you would believe me if I said Daenerys is not the last Targaryen." Tyrion mused.

"Is Tyrion going to be okay?" Draco questioned.

"Yes, I just know it." Avalon assured.

"But he's little and unskilled." Arya offered honestly. Cersei chuckled.

"She's not wrong." Cersei agreed. "I like this one."

"He is a smart boy, he is my smart boy. We will see him again, just have faith. Things are looking up for us." Avalon reminded Draco. "We won the battle, won the war." Avalon brought a hand to his cheek. "Things are looking up for us. I can feel it."

"I honestly forgot about tryion. We were kind of busy dealing with the attack on kings landing. Which we conquered!" Davina declared.


"Thats silly." Davina whispered laying across Jon. He smiled down at her. "We should stay in bed for a moon after what we went through. Hard work I tell you."

"In bed." Jon agreed kissing her.

"We never need to leave." She assured. "We could stay hidden in these four walls."

"There are more than four walls." Jon observed.

"You know what I mean."

"I know what you mean."   

"You still have your lessons, Draco."

"I need to figure out if Arya loves me or not. That is more important than lessons mother." Draco countered, he stared back at her from the door.

"He has a good point." Nora agreed. "Why go on if you are doomed to be loveless for the rest of your-"

"GAH!" Draco grumbled. Avalon put a hand over Nora's mouth.

"Go on Draco," Avalon agreed. "Get your girl."

"Thank you!" Draco declared running out.

"Get out!" Davina demanded when Draco bust into her chambers.

"How did you know you were in love with Jon?" Draco countered. Davina untangled herself from Jon. Jon kept his arms locked around her waist though holding her hostage to him. She leaned back into his chest.

"I just knew." Davina offered. Jon smiled kissing her shoulder.

"And how did you know that he loved you?" Draco countered.

"Come on Draco, I'm me." Davina corrected. Draco nodded in agreement, Jon laughed out. "Am I wrong?"

"I love you more than anyone else alive or dead." Jon assured.

"Good boy, I have him trained." Davina mused.

"But like how would I know?" Draco offered slowly.

"YOu want to know if Jon's in love with you?" Davina teased.

"You people are no help!" Draco declared marching out.

"Draco, Draco, I'm sorry," Davina remarked reaching out for him. "Kiss her."

"What?" Draco countered.

"Plant one on her. Kiss her like you mean it, if she doesnt push your ass into the dirt but pulls you closer, I think thats a good sign." Davina offered.

"I like that idea." Draco admitted.

"Thought you might." Davina agreed. "Now I have to kiss my betrothed. Thats not something for young eyes to see." Draco headed out and searched for Arya. He saw Tyon with Sansa. Saw sansa twirling her hair around her finger leaning in, smiling widely as Tyon spoke. Was that what girls did when they were in love? Davina didnt do that, arya didnt do that. Yet Sansa, Draco could practically see hearts in her eyes.

"Arya, I have to... do something." Draco remarked when he found her.

"I needed a break anyways." Arya agreed shoving her book across the table. Her septa tsked. "Remember Draco is the prince, he is in charge." Mordane shook her head.

"I am in charge." Draco agreed grabbing Arya's hand, she laughed following him out of the library. "Arya," Draco declared when they were alone.

"Draco." She countered smirking back at him.

"I love you." Draco declared confidently but before she could say anything, he kissed her. Holding onto her face, their lips mashed together. Arya's hand grabbed his shirt and this was the moment push or pull, fear flooded him but she held onto him. When he pulled back Arya smiled giving him a playful nudge.

"I love you, dork." Arya agreed.

You Belong With Me / Jon Snow / Davina Targaryen (3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt