44. Do Not Drop Me

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"What? Arya agrees with me, Sansa is a sassy bit-"

"Draco do not finish that sentence!" Kelsea demanded still laughing out.

"-CHHHHHHHH!" Draco declared.

"Draco!" Kelsea shouted.

"I love Arya, do you LOVE oberyn?" Draco countered.

"No," Kelsea corrected. "I just think he's perfect in every way and I want to put my lips all over his handsome face."  Draco's lips pulled into a deep frown and his brow furrowed. "Is that love?"

"Thats lust," Davina corrected as she passed. Draco saw Arya with her.

"What are you doing?" Draco demanded.

"I'm going to make a real archer out of her." Davina remarked.

"I'm already a good archer." Arya sassed.

"I shall be the judge of that." Davina corrected, Jon came up behind them wrapping his arms around Davina's waist. "Hello handsome, you want to join us?" Davina purred.

"Join you anywhere." Jon agreed kissing her. Draco looked to Arya moving closer. He smiled standing right in front of her. Arya blinked back at him.

"I want to kiss you." Draco whispered.

"Then do it." Arya agreed.

"Do it!" Jon agreed. Draco pressed his lips to hers and Arya gave a silent laugh as she grabbed his hand.

"Are you going to ask to kiss me every time you want to kiss me?" Arya questioned as they headed to the courtyard.

"No, yes, no?" Draco countered looking to Davina for the right answer.

"The answer is no. She is your woman and you are her man." Davina remarked. "Kiss her often." Jon took that as his cue and pulled Davina to a stop planting a kiss on her lips, dipping her back just a bit so when she got back on her feet laughter filled the air. "Just like that, Jon knows how to do it!" Davina agreed.

"If you ever try to dip me like Jon did with Dav, do not drop me." Arya countered. "I will not forgive you if you drop me."

"Noted." Draco agreed. He would wait for the bigger muscles to appear. THen the dip and kiss that looked fun.

Arya loaded her arrow once outside and looked at the training dummy, Davina nodded for her to begin. Draco gave a little cheer before Arya instructed he was being too distracting and needed to sit down. Draco nodded following orders. Davina had told him previously that the woman is always in charge in the relationship and if she says sit you sit, so Draco sat.

Arya straightened her back smirking back at Davina, confident she would praise her and Davina nodded, giving a little clap. Draco rose up clapping.

"That was great, Arya." Draco agreed.

"You are good. You're not as good as you think you are." Davina remarked watching her practice.

"Face, tits, balls- I hit 'em right where I wanted to." Arya corrected.

"Yeah," Davina drawled out, "but you took your sweet time of it. You won't be fighting straw men, killer. Show me your position."

Arya pulled back the bow and Davina corrected her form. Jon smiled leaning back on his palms.

"Do you feel all wrong?" Draco questioned sitting beside him.

"What do you mean?" Jon countered.

"Sitting back while the ladies fight?" Draco clarified.  Jon choked out a laugh.

"You want to say that louder so Davina can hear you?" Jon questioned.

"Keep your elbow high. You want your back doing the hard labor. You're holding. Never hold." Davina instructed and Arya lowered her bow.

" What?" She demanded.

"Your muscles tense up when you hold. Pull the string back to the center of your chin and release. Never hold." Davina repeated.

"I'm with Arya on that." Draco remarked getting up. "What?"

"never hold?" Arya questioned. Davina nodded.

"Like Never?" Draco added. Davina nodded again.

"But I have to aim." Arya corrected.

"Never aim." Davina agreed loading her own arrow.

"Never aim?" Arya questioned.

"Your eye knows where it wants the arrow to go. Trust your eye." Davina agreed. She lifted her bow without ever taking her eyes off Arya and shot it out into the distance. Arya rose a skeptical eyebrow.

"What were you aiming for?" Arya questioned.

"Wait for it." Davina countered. She held up three fingers counting down.

"FUCKING HELL DAV!" Tyon shouted. "YOu could have taken my bloody head off!"

"But I didnt!" Davina called back.

"Okay teach me but use sansa's head as an example this time." Arya agreed.


Davina couldnt hear the words Jon was saying she was too focused on his handsome face, his kissable lips and his entrancing eyes.

"You listening?" Jon questioned, her head tipped to the side

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"You listening?" Jon questioned, her head tipped to the side. "You are definitely not listening." Jon realized. "I'm going to train barefoot with jellyfish." Jon told her, she nodded as he pulled off his shirt. "And... oh Sandor is took off my foot in training, dont worry I got a wooden replacement." Davina's violet eyes beamed back at him. "And I cut my toe nails in bed and put them under the pillows." Jon mused. "What to get you out of my handsome trance..." Jon pondered touching her chin. He smirked, and whispered. "Spider."

Davina jumped up spinning around, her eyes darting around.

"Where! KILL IT!" She demanded reaching for her blade. "KILL IT!"

"Calm down! I lied." Jon begged. Davina gasped.

"We do not joke about spiders!" Davina demanded.

"Sorry." Jon agreed.

"Kiss me to make up for it."

You Belong With Me / Jon Snow / Davina Targaryen (3)Where stories live. Discover now