18. This Your Warning Tully

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"'Pleasure to see you again my lady.' Tyrion said kindly bowing to her but Catelyn did not look happy to see him one bit. She looked to Avalon and her children and Avalon felt the room grow cold, felt it get smaller to as everyone was standing up, they were surrounded.

Soon she was calling upon all the men from all different houses to stand and defend her. the noised of swords being draw in their direction caused Tyrion to startle. Davina's head snapped around, what was wrong with this bitch?

"Lady stark,' Tyrion said with a hint of bitterness and their guards were incapacitated. They didnt see Avalon or Davina as a threat. But thought it better to subdue them as well.

Avalon sucked in a breath as a blade came to her neck. Tyrion's eyes went wide seeing Avalon danger.

Avalon was not about to go down easy. Tyrion wasn't a fighter but her children and her were.

"Mum?" Davina questioned her voice a rasp, panic filling her.

"This is your one and only chance back off now." Avalon declared. "You sheathe your steels and think. Truly think about the hell you want to get into. For her." Avalon added glaring at Catelyn.

"Do you know what your imp of a son did?" Catelyn shouted.

"He's my good boy. Whatever you think you are wrong." Avalon assured.

"We stand beside you lady stark."

"Big mistake." Avalon hissed and a subtle nod to davina and Tyon they struck. The men were not expecting it. Avalon got the blade away from the man piercing him in the neck instead. Tyon kicked a leg out sending one of the men stumbling back into the bar, Davina grabbed the closest man and flipped him, he landed with a loud thwack on the floor. Then Avalon moved to catelyn fisting her hair and shoving her face into the table.

"If you ever, if you ever come after my children, my family or I again, you die." Avalon hissed in Catelyn's ear. She snapped her fingers in Catelyn's opposite ear. "Just like that."

Avalon nicked catelyns cheek with her blade, drawing a thick slash of blood when she pulled back. Catelyn gasped touching her cheek.

"But since I'm a mother and understand killing you would hurt your children, this is your one warning Tully." Avalon remarked. She kept her blade focused on Catelyn as she moved her children behind her.

"Give me key." Avalon demanded of bronn. He held it out. "Thank you." She added kindly and added another coin. "Lets go." She ushered her kids up the stairs once inside they barred the door and moved the table against the door for further blockage.

"Get some sleep." Avalon instructed. "I will watch the door. We leave at first light."

"Mama," Tyon whispered.

"Im okay baby. You are okay. We are okay and we will be home in no time." Avalon coed kissing his forehead.

Avalon didnt think she slept at all but her eyes peeled open the next morning and she was in the bed, not on the floor and the door was unbarred, her children were gone and she was filled with panic. Then the door opened and Davina had muffins and Tyon had filled up their pouches with water for the journey.

"Almost home mama." Davina remarked.

"Almost home." Avalon agreed. Davina handed her a muffin, tyrion held out a cup of tea and Avalon sighed taking a long sip. "How much sunlight did we lose?"

"Not much, its cloudy out." Tyon mused.

"Thank you, Ty," Avalon coed. "Let me- did you put me in bed?"

"Davina helped, you are little, it wasnt hard." Tyon offered.

"Thank you honey." Avalon kissed their foreheads. "Come on, your father will be excited to see us, we can eat on the road... is that bitch still there?"

"I didnt see her." Davina remarked. "I was ready to slit her throat if I did." Avalon chuckled.

"I'm really proud of you, all of you."

"I didnt do anything." Tyrion reminded her.

"You drew up a sketch for Bran, thats not nothing. You made that boys day and when he rides again, he will be thrilled. You are not a warrior but you are my smart boy. If Ned misses the north and has to return home for his wife's funeral I think you would be a good interim Hand of the king."

"High praise, I don't know about that." Tyrion countered but he felt a wave of pride rush over him.

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