53. Fire and Ice

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"Oh my baby girl," Tywin cooed holding Davina tightly to him. 

"Dad!" Davina groaned. "I have to finish getting ready for my future!" 

"I know, I know but... I can't believe today is the day." Tywin whispered touching her cheek. "It all came so soon."

"I thought this day would never come." Davina corrected. "I have been waiting for ages!" 

"You can still change your mind-"

"Dad!" Davina barked. 

"Fine, fine, you are still to young." 

"I'm a woman." Davina corrected. 

Davina looked like a Goddess. That was how Jon saw her, his girl. She spun into the throne room as she made her entrance, long light blonde hair twirling around her before she held to her fathers arm. 

Ned knew that everyone was looking at Davina, how could they not? But his gaze turned to Jon

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Ned knew that everyone was looking at Davina, how could they not? But his gaze turned to Jon. He knew this was the first day of the rest of his life. Ned wondered if he hadnt kept Lyanna's secret all this time, if him and Catelyn could have really made it work. Because that betrayal of a bastard so soon in their marriage tore them apart. 

Jon didnt care that Catelyn wasnt here, he didnt want her here but he wanted Bran and Rickon and Robb and Theon to be here. Maybe not theon, he would be trying to steal Davina the whole time. 

"Jon." Davina purred. She wore a white dress with red inlay, it was beautiful, she was beautiful. Jon had never worn such a fine suit before. He felt like a proper lord standing before his queen. 

"My Davina." Jon whispered grabbing her hands. Tywin moved to Avalon's side, she pat his arm keeping him with her as the ceremony began. 

"Hen lantoti ānogar (Blood of two)" The septon began. "Va sȳndroti vāedroma (Joined as one)" Their hands were cut, their lips as well, tracing their blood on each others forehead. Bloody palms waiting for unity. 

Avalon loved that Davina wanted to do their ceremony in old Valyrian ways. Loved that Jon had been practicing so he could attempt the words. Loved how eager Jon was to learn, to please Davina. 

One hand of each of them was tied together binding the blood, then they drank from the goblet staring into each others eyes. Jon licked the spilled amber liquid from his lips, keeping his eyes on his almost wife. Davina bit her lip, it was almost time, they were almost one. 

"Mēro perzot gīhoti (Ghostly flame) Elēdroma iārza sīr (And song of shadows) Izulī ampā perzī (Two hearts as embers) Prūmī lanti sēteksi (Forged in fourteen fires)" The septon went on, they couldnt hide their smiles. Davina had wanted Jon since the moment she saw him and now... this... this was the beginning of their lives together. Of children and endless nights tangled in the sheets, of carrot cake the size of a dragon waiting for her she hoped after this. 

"Hen jenȳ māzīlarion (A future promised in glass) Qēlossa ozūndesi (The stars stand witness) Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo (The vow spoken through time) Rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi (Of darkness and light)"

"More like of fire and ice." Davina corrected before Jon pulled her in dipping her down and kissing her as the crowd clapped out. 

Davina and Jon ate their cake and said goodbye, farewell and see you when they come up for air. Tywin tensed seeing his baby girl running off with her husband but Avalon assured him that they were grown ups and married now. He had to let go a little. 

"You ready husband?" Davina purred as she unlaced her dress. 

"You belong with me, Davina."

You Belong With Me / Jon Snow / Davina Targaryen (3)Where stories live. Discover now