Aegon cannot bare to see her like this and rushes forward, grabbing Larys by the collar of his white linen shirt. He brings him close to his face and stares at him with a look that is filled with sheer anger and hatred.

He is filled with nothing but anger and he speaks to Larys now with a furious voice.

"Touch her again." he says, his voice seething with anger. "Touch her again and I will take your miserable head and toss it into the nearest fire."

He lets go of him and grabs Reina hand, dragging her away from that worthless man.

He feels the eyes of everyone in the room on him as he pulls her out of the hall.

He pulls her into his arms and holds her close to his body. His violet eyes are still filled with rage, but he tries to calm himself down in order to make her feel safe. He whispers sweetly to her and his tone is soft and tender.

"I will never let anyone hurt you, my rose. Not again." he says, stroking her red hair.

"I am weak. They saw me crying, he knows the effect he has on me. He knows I am still scared of him." Reina says.

"Do not let his words reach your heart. He is not worthy of your tears." Aegon says, wiping her tears and kissing her cheeks.

"We should return to the feast. Will you dance with me, my rose?" he asks and her heart warms up at his words. The nickname he gives her makes her blush.

The gentle tone of his voice and the way he looks at her, makes her heart flutter. His words have a soothing effect on her, making her feel safe.

She nods, wanting to enjoy the night as much as she can.

"I would love to, Aegon." she accepts his hand.

He walks her through the halls and into the throne room. The room is packed full of guests, celebrating the wedding. She can feel the stares of the guests as they pass by them and the whispers of gossip that seem to fill this whole room. It makes her feel uneasy and insecure, especially with her big belly. He looks at her and notices the small frown on her face.

"Do not allow their stares or gossip to make you feel uncomfortable, Reina. You are beautiful. The prettiest woman in the room. I promise you that."

As they dance, he holds her close to him. His eyes are on her the whole time and she feels his body pressed against hers. The feeling of safety and protection is overwhelming and she cannot help but relax in his arms. She feels at ease and peaceful.


A strange figure approaches them, making Reina frown with confusion.

Aegon recognizes the woman, she is young, with light brown eyes and curly brown hair. She is carrying a glass of wine in her hand, her movements being flirtatious as she walks towards them. Her lips are painted red with lipstick and her eyes are filled with seduction. As she comes closer, she is smiling and her eyes never waver from Aegon's face.

"My Prince. I haven't seen you in a while, what have you been up to?" she asks, looking down at his hand and how he is holding Reina by her waist. "Who is this sweet girl?"

Her voice is sweet and seductive and she has no problem at all at showing off her flirtatious side. She moves her head so she can view Reina at a more proper angle and her eyes are filled with curiosity. Aegon can feel her hand on his arm now and there is no doubt in his mind that she is flirting with him. He keeps his grip around Reina's waist and he speaks to her.

"This is my wife, Reina."

Reina notices the way she looks at him and cannot help, but glare at her. "Who is she?" she asks Aegon, not liking the way she was touching her husband in that moment.

his rose || aegon ii targaryen Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ