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I scoffed. "This isn't a date, Lucas. Do you have any idea how bad that looks? The most popular guy at school dating someone who came out of juvie?"

"Meghan, I could care less about my image at school," he gave me a flat look. "So, what if you came out of juvie."

I couldn't understand him. I had nothing to offer and yet he still asked me to have coffee with him. "I have nothing to offer you. You're literally wasting your time here." I tried to hide the sting I caused on myself with a small smile. When our order was done, I grabbed the cakes and Lucas grabbed the drinks. Then we went back to our table.

"If I was wasting my time, I wouldn't be here. If everyone else thinks you're a waste of time, that's their problem. You're a person just like me. You deserve time. You deserve to be heard. And I want to be the one to listen to you."

His words almost brought me to tears. They almost brought the tears down my eyes to remove all makeup I put on to cover my prints of war. My throat tightened hearing them. I wanted to cry and for once I was grateful because someone made themselves willingly available to hear me. Hear my pain. My story. Someone willingly made themselves available to be there for me.

I sighed, taking sip of my drink. "You have much better things to do than listen to my sob story. Why me?"

"Because you're different." He looked me in the eyes. "For once, I don't have a girl making me the topic of every conversation we have or undress me with their eyes. And that's refreshing," He explained.

Even though I didn't see how different I was compared to every other girl at school. I mean, he's a good-looking guy. Medium length hair, tattoos, wide, broad shoulders. Some of his clothes stick to his body leaving no imagination to everyone else. But that's not what I'm here for. This isn't a date for us to get closer. This is a goodbye. This is the end. There is no more Lucas and Meghan after this.

"But I'm not someone you'd usually hang out with. I mean, why hang out with a ugly nerd that has a criminal record?"

"Meghan, you're not ugly or a nerd. Whoever said you're ugly is blind and stupid. You're gorgeous, a walking art piece. Your style is awesome. Just because you have a criminal record doesn't mean I won't hang out with you. I'm not going judge you like everyone else does. Again, you're a human being. You're more than juvie and a court case documented throughout the country. Behind those beautiful, mysterious, breathtaking brown eyes, is a woman who deserves respect, kindness, and love. Don't put yourself because of them."

"What if Bridget saw you with me?" I had to ask. I needed to know. This was a girl who's been crushing on him since forever apparently and will do any and everything to get what she wants. If its him, she surely probably pulls something like Clarise did to get him. It's not first time someone ruined my life over a guy.

"Then Bridget will have to deal with it because I'm not going to stop hanging out with because of her."

"Well, we're going to stop hanging out either way. Besides its better off that way."

The content expression he had on his face dropped. "What are you talking about?"

"Remember we agree that after this coffee thing and our chemistry project, we're done." I finally took a bite of my cake. "We said we wouldn't hang out anymore. Besides, I don't want to drag you into what my life is right now."

"And I said forget the agreement remember?"

"Lucas, we're not doing the presentation anymore. You don't have to pretend to like me," I said flatly. "Thank you for the coffee really, but if it was all for pity, I didn't need it." I stood up and grabbed my bag unable to finish my cake. Throughout this whole thing, I couldn't help but remind myself that its over. He doesn't like me. He'll never like me. What's there to love about me other than the fact that I'm walking clout magnet because of the case.

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