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Chapter 26

I don't care what anyone says. These black, navy-blue walls will be the bane of my existence until May. The only exception is Sami, Monica, and...well...Matthews too. I owe him for helping me at the courthouse last week. Better yet, I kind of owe him for being there for me this last month and a half. Somehow, he knows what to say and what to do in every situation I just so happened to be involved with. It's strange. But is it?

I know being around him is risky. It was risky. It was always risky considering the current queen bee nuisance I have to deal with now, Bridget Carson. Another girl with an obsessively tight grip on keeping her popularity along with the guy she likes. What's worse is the guy she likes is infatuated by me. Before I was Bridget, not morally evil or an abomination to society, but I was that girl with the popular boyfriend. I remind of myself of it only because I really did have everything. From the cool friends to the hot, popular, football player boyfriend.

But this was different. I was practically a celebrity now. My name was all over the newspaper. Mixed reactions from everyone, but I don't care. I had my cousin, and my friends. I realized that I wasn't alone anymore, but still I had to be strong whenever I was without them. I was doing as they wanted. Being the dead woman walking.

Then again, nothing could've prepared me for what happened yesterday. The last thing that the judge said throw me for the ocean. Not just me, the jury, and the audience too. I'm staying with Jaxson. He'll be my guardian. My parents are nothing leeches and my own grandmother is an enabler with a master's degree in gaslighting. Mr. Norman was boring us all to death with the discussion on Neurons. However, it wasn't long before my attention was robbed by the very guy that has been causing me endless struggles in this school. Lucas Matthews.

"You, okay?"

That was the first time in a while. Someone asked me about my wellbeing since the trail. I mean, he has asked before, the day of, but not in general. It's confusing, but I get the question a lot from Sami and Monica. However, the effect is different. It's not pertaining to class or what happens during lunch period. This guy has been stuck to me since the day we met. He risked his reputation just to be the shoulder I could cry on. He gave his shoulder even though I never wanted him to. He gave me the space to be the person I always was. The person no one else knew. The person that only he knows. Throughout these months, I've gotten comfortable with him.

Shoot. I feel safe with him. For the first time, I felt the strains on my heart loosen up. But I know I'm not ready to open my heart to him. I'm not ready for him to carry it like Kayden did. Though I feel safe, I can never trust the same again. His hand covered mine like a tree shading me from the sun. "I'm alright. Nothing like a good ole fashioned rough week to celebrate my winning streak in court." I chuckled lightly. "Nothing I'm not used to already."

"Has Bridget been giving you hell?"

I scoffed quietly so we don't get caught by Mr. Norman. "When is she not giving me hell? I won't be surprised when she takes me to the Colosseum and challenged to a fight to the death for your love." The last part I nearly gagged in disgust. "Please, for the sake of my sanity, leave me alone and date her already. Because I'm two flying pigs away from going back to Juvie for assault."

By the time chemistry ended, word had already gotten out that Lucas put his hand over mine and the leeches already told Bridget. All he did was chuckle. A low, breathy yet rich chuckle rumbled in his chest. "I thought you'd be used to the attention, sweetheart. You're a celebrity after all. Ignore her. She'll get the hint eventually."

"That's what you don't understand, Lucas." I protested as we're walking to our lockers. "Bridget is a girl who won't stop until she gets what she wants. The girl loves you."

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