(22) Palpable Fret

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i opened my eyes, and the damned sun shone through the blinds and stung my eyes immediately. the first thing i noticed was that he wasn't next to me, or at least in the bed. why was that? how early was it? i turned to see the clock, and to my surprise—it was unplugged. the hell? i hated reseting that thing. i slowly sat up, and my head hurt like hell - and i had not a clue why. i heard a small clatter in the silent apartment, and i tilted my head to see the source of the noise. i watched carefully at the small hallway that led to the bathroom, the kitchen, the closet, and the guest bedroom. honestly, we didn't even use that room for guests—i'm surprised he didn't take that room.. but ever since we first met - he never wanted to leave my side unless it was required. my vision blurred slightly from my headache, before fading back into a clear view—and just for a moment.. the closet door looked like... like something i never wanted to see. something so eerily resembling the door i saw in my dreams. that was a bit odd, because i barely remembered anything from the night prior at the moment. i was kind of just focused on where he went—which i was soon given the answer, because he rounded the corner from the hall with something in hand that i couldn't make out. he sighed in relief when he saw me awake, handing me what he had been holding—which was a glass of water. i took a few long sips, the cold liquid both healing and hurting my throat for a reason of which i didn't know. i put the empty dish on the bedside table, and as i did so—i caught glimpse of the marks i had left on his skin the day prior. his neck had a couple, just on one side - bite marks along his collarbone that were slightly exposed because he was wearing a shirt that didn't fit all too well. i enjoyed seeing such a thing, as it had given me some sense of... ownership, to put it bluntly. i didn't say anything about it, although it did stay in mind. he climbed atop the bed, laying next to me—he put his arms around me, his legs around my waist and his head atop my left tricep. he sat silent for a moment before he spoke.
"i called into work and let them know you wouldn't be going in today," what? why? "- and my clients don't have any work for me regardless, so today i'm staying around." he finished, and it took me a moment before i responded.
"why cant i go to work?" i asked, my eyebrows furrowing slightly—or at least i could feel them shift from my confusion. i really didn't see any reason why i couldn't work other than the fact my stomach hurt—and my head, too. but i could tolerate the pain, yeah?
"you.. last-" he sighed as he tried to explain. "—i know you don't remember.. and i don't want to remind you." he said, which only confused me further. his gaze met mine as we talked.
"just.. trust me, okay? it's best you just rest today.." he said, and he sounded pretty sincere. plus, i didn't mind just staying in today, i hate my boss—and the customers are always assholes for no reason. it's not *my fault if your steak is overcooked, take it up with the damn chef if you care so much, you pathetic critic—whatever, i'm getting distracted. the point was across, though.
"alright.. i.. i trust you." i never really thought those words would come out of my mouth, but they seemed relevant and pretty true to the situation.

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