(6) Envy

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his warmth was intoxicating, it was always something i wanted more of. i couldn't refuse to succumb to it every time he welcomed me to, and i didn't regret a single thing when i did. i wrapped my arms around him, even through his clothes i could feel his spine. he was so small, so fragile, so vulnerable.

i wanted nothing more than to keep him safe from the cruel world that surrounds us.

he fell asleep again. i envy his ability to rest whenever and wherever, but too it may be because he feels safe around i. in fact, he had fallen asleep around an hour ago - my muscles were aching and my legs were asleep for staying in the same hunched position for so long. i didn't mind much, it didn't matter to me if i was in pain - as long as he could feel a bit of peace, a little security, a little 'love'—if that's the word.


so he could feel loved.

even if i couldn't.

minutes passed, and soon - it was time for me to leave and go to work my shift at my shitty job. i glanced down at him, his head pressed against my chest and his grasp firm on my sweater. with lots of reluctance, i slowly slid my hand along his back and to his shoulder—his skin soft and supple beneath my fingertips - and with that, i gently shook him - rocking him back and forth in hopes he would wake. to little surprise, it ended up working - and he awoke. his eyes were weary, and he was obviously confused what was going on.

"i have to head to work."

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