Chapter 18:

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Worried Venus walked back and forth in his apartment.  Ohh a lot has happened.....a lot has happened that he forgot two months after his resumption his mum would be called to review his performance.

And yeah his performance was not just bad, it was poor and even Venus himself knew that. He had missed class more than normal and everyone knew V was not very good at studying.

" Ugghhh this wouldn't have happened, if only that psychopath didn't claim me. Everything is a mess now. Who will save me?  I just have a week before the PTA meeting."  Venus mumbled to himself in his language. Chinese.

Hopping on his bed, he lies,eyes staring at the ceiling....

I only hope my life will get better.

The next morning.......

Venus as always was late for his maths class, he hated calculation the most, so he would come late to avoid sitting at the front row.

He pushed the door open quietly, tiptoeing into the class. He got to his chair successfully without gaining anyone's attention.

He tried his best to look normal when in fact he wasn't. He prayed his teacher wouldn't notice his presence, if he does...then that's a problem at his side.

" Hey__" He noticed someone was trying to call him, snapping his fingers. " Are you spacing out? "

" Huh..? " he diverted his focus on the boy.

" Anyways, I saw you__"

" What?! "

" Don't worry I won't tell, if you agree to have lunch with me."

"Umm why would i__"

" Don't even think of refusing" the other person interjected_" or else I'll tell."

" Are you fucki__" he was about to curse when the other....

" Si_"

"Okay fine, whatever you want." Venus covered the mouth of the boy, agreeing to his condition. And luckily for him it was Sly, if it had been any other person who saw him then maybe he would have been at the headmaster's office explaining himself.

He sighed, releasing his hold on Sly.

" For a moment I thought you were going to kiss me. Pweeh I got worried for nothing. You know I have a boyfriend right?"


Was everyone at STANFORD Academy literally gay?

Venus rubbed his eyes feeling stressed out by the boy's nonstop ranting.

"Shh__" Venus placed his fingers on his lips, shushing the boy completely.

And Sly slowly nodded his head. He was afraid of Venus intimidating side. Ohh sometimes his Aura was harsh and dangerous.

Sly wondered maybe the stress was killing him.

Immediately their class ended, Sly went to Venus, hugging the boy's shoulder.

"Shall we?? " Sly asked, smiling.

He didn't even give Venus time to reply he just held his shoulders blades tightly, teleporting to the school's cafeteria.

At the cafeteria....

" Hey! Give it back! " Venus saw a young, feminine looking boy crying. It looked like he was being bullied.

He saw as the boy struggled to get his shoes back.

And surprisingly there were teacher in the room, but they didn't even stop the harassers.

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