Chapter 1-2

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     Many years ago in China.

In the beginning was a world filled with beautiful and handsome vampires. They had gods in which they served and the superior lords,and normal lords that handled smaller things.

But the gods were very powerful, powerful enough to kill the goblin Queen which angered the goblin king. He sent thousands of goblins to the vampires. They had partnered along with werewolves,not that both their species were on good terms but because they also had bitter mind towards vampires... Simply because they see them as a threat to their kind.

A war took place, thousands of vampires were killed, injured and they were already losing the fight. Until the gods came up with a strategy that will kill both goblins and the goblin king.
     They all cut themselves in the wrist... poured their blood into the golden bowl and poured enough for everyone who had been killed to resurrect and injured ones__ enough for them to heal.

The gods went to the center of the earth were the war was taking place,they knew what they were about to do was going to end them,along with the goblins. But all they wanted was for the goblins to disappear forever.

The gods started to recite their mantra in Mandarin" the time has come for the end of goblins, take our hearts and end them all!" Which they constantly repeated until... finally whoever they calling out to answered and wiped out all the goblins and freed the captured vampires.

  But that was not the end of goblins because there was a goblin baby that wasn't taken. Will his existence affect vampires?No one knows, the vampire didn't need to care.
    But the Queen mother and her sick husband " the king" kept on praying for another god,who would protect them.

After many years of praying their request got fulfilled and they were blessed with a god in form of a son. But his powers were different from the previous gods because his powers were the combination of their powers. So he is much more powerful than they were, but at the same time he seemed to be a threat to the vampires.

                    THE PALACE
               Present day

" Young master Zi rui! Young master Zi rui! You have been accepted." But the boy lying on the the bed is half awake and half asleep,he can bearly understand what the man is saying,yet the man continues," you have been accepted in Stanford,you are among the successful candidates that has been selected for their new intake." The man notices that the young master is still sleeping,he then settles to wake him up himself.

He tapped, tapped but the young master chose to play stubborn; he knows that the young master is only pretending to be asleep as he has no interest in going to the school. The man then resorts in a trick that has always worked on Zi rui for many years. " Cockroach! Cockroach!" He yelled, immediately the young master opened his eyes and jumped off his bed screaming," haaaah!" Cockroach where?Where is the Cockroach?"

The man shook his head in disbelief " I can't believe you're still afraid of cockroaches!" He yelled " I mean it's an old trick, didn't think you would still fall for it."

" Shu feng!!! Haven't I warned you never to disturb my sleep?Huh"

" I'm sorry Young master but your mum preferred I should wake you up to share the good news with you immediately. The good news is you__"

" I have been accepted in Stanford right?"

" Hmm " the man nods

" Shu Feng! "

" Yes master "

" You wouldn't mind if I do this right?"

Shu Feng is still confused, unable to understand what hisastwr means.

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