Chapter 3-5

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Now back in the
Young masters room

" Master! You have been pacing here and there since we got back." His PA tries to suppress his anger,but he can't seem to.

" Why don't you sit first_" he drags him to sit on the bed," now take deep breaths_" which the boy tried but it didn't work." Haaaaaaaaaaaah it's not working, it's not fucking working."

He stands up from where he's seated and starts throwing his flower vase,his expensive perfumes.

" Stop__ don't! Don't do that,you will just hurt yourself." Shu Feng is really worried about the prince;he doesn't want the prince to hurt himself.

Now this time he resorts to another method to calm the angry vampire. " Dear Zi rui_" he presses both of his hands on the boy's cheek_" do you remember when you where little? Whenever you get upset like this__ you run,you run and run and run until you get tired." Zi rui angrily slaps the man's hands from his and asked_" so you mean I should run until I get tired? Do you know your ideas are as stupid as you. Fuck out of my room now!" Shu Feng is quite aware that the prince is very upset, but he has never spoken to him in such manner. 'He never talks to me rudely'

"Are you deaf or something? I said FUCK OUT! You are all the same, weren't you the one who changed the letter?GO!! " He pushes Shu Feng out of his room.

" Haaaaaaaaaaaah!!! FUCK! Stanford! Stanford! Stanford my foot."

That Night

Zi rui is in the shower. His PA rushes into his room without knocking. ' Is he being chased by a cheetah? '

" Master! Master" he yells like he always does. The man called out his masters again for the third time," Master Zi rui, where are you? " He hears the sound of water rushing out in the bathroom__ "Master are you in there? Please__can you hear me?"

He had started getting worried hearing no response from the boy. Thinking he might have drowned himself in his bathtub because he doesn't want to attend Stanford academy.

Shu Feng made his way into the bathroom to ensure the prince safety,only to see his naked master wiping himself with a blue towel; shouting at his visual aspect of his Master.

" What the hell! " The prince squalled

" I'm s_sorry, I'll l_leave." 'Fuck, must I stammer now?"

He stands in between the toilet door and room__ " I'll just go." He returns to the bedroom and hops on the bed like a three years old toddler; as his mind kept recalling what he saw. " Oh my! The young masters dick is getting bigger__" he shakes his head to get out of the imagination_" snap out of it Shu Feng." He says to himself, slapping his cheeks with both hands.

Just then did the young master step out from the bathroom, with a towel around his waist.

" Don't you know how to fucking knock?" ' What the hell is wrong with this PA of mine?'

The man stammers yet again,eyes facing the eyes the young masters cock. " I_ I'm s_sorry. Dinner is ready and I was sent to call you down to eat. So__"

" Do I look like I'm fucking hungry?" He interjects. " Go now, I want to rest." He groans and falls on his bed.

The man is now confused if he should respect the god wishes or the Queen's. " But you haven't_ had anything to eat since morning." The master stares right in his eyes of course he can sense fear " will you leave now or not?" He say in a soft but clearly fake tone.

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