Chapter 7

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They left the parking lot and walked into the dorm area.

     Lisa was just not satisfied with the way the boy was walking. She stopped and sighed,then finally she said..." Hey! Come on kiddo walk fast. You have just fifteen minutes before the welcoming ceremony starts. So I'll show you your apartment, later on I'll show you around the school."

" Apartment?I have my own personal apartment?" Zi rui asked, mouth wide open.

She grins,then replies_" Yes of course. You have a golden card remember."

                  Later on

They had just gotten in front of his apartment when he asked_ " What's a golden card?"
The lady ignored him,as she can tell already that the prince is a type of person of loves asking questions every second that passes.

" Hey kid,I know you have a lot of questions to ask but now is just not the right time to ask. I will answer your question when next I come. But... for now, change into something nice; the party will begin soon."

She was about leaving when the boy called out her name_" Lisa! I have a name, so from now on do not address me as kid or kiddo. Do I make myself clear?" The lady found it rude but because he  is obviously going to be one of the most powerful they will be having in their school; she just nodded_" Yes,I understand_" then she exited the room.

              Outside the room

" Fuck!!! " She cursed " who does_ just who does he think he is? Because he's a__"

" Lisa,are you okay?" Lisa turned slowly to her back, she froze seeing her hybrid crush. Then again he asked_" Is everything okay?" She nodded shyly,her face turning red, which the hybrid didn't fail to notice. " Y_yes I'm fine. I_ it's n_nothing serious." Shit did I have to stammer now.

" Huh! Ok if you say so. I'll get going now." She smiled at him saying__" Bye_ I love you" shit! What was that??

" Sorry?" He looked at her with a serious face, like he was going to eat her. Lisa felt her world turned upside down ' what I'm I going to say now_'

" Ummm I mean_ sorry that's n_not what I wanted to say. " She mumbled_" I wanted to say thank you_" she lied_" Yh I wanted to say thank you,but you know love you and thank you are almost the same thing so... So I decided to use whichever that comes out of my mouth. And... It just happened to be 'love you'_" she smiled awkwardly,' I hope he believes half of it.'

" Okay, that's fine" he nods slowly still trying to believe her words. Gosh she has completely lost her mind. He thought,he couldn't understand any of what she just said; and she said it like she was saying a whole sentence. " I'll see you later then." The hybrid left for his office.

She watched him leave and said to herself_" Gosh... Did I have to say that."


" What will I wear? Fuck do I need to attend it? I don't like parties_" he asks his PA,who is on a video call with him_" Shu Feng do you think I should go? I mean I can just stay."
The man shakes his head and smiled__" Zi rui you need to go. Remember you're representing all vampires; as you are the vampire prince. How will it be for the vampire prince to miss such event. It the welcoming ceremony for a fact. Come on now get dressed,wear something nice. Ok?"

" Yeah! Yeah I've heard you. We'll talk later_" he ends the call and sighed," I'll have to go. Can't disappoint them." He huffed and placed his box on the bed_" Now what will I be wearing?"

         The school auditorium

Zi rui is now standing in front of the auditorium door where the party is taking place. He had already missed the welcoming speech made by the principal, he sighed_ " At least I made it to the party." He pushes the door open and walks into the auditorium.

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