Chapter 15

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  For those who might have wondered what might have transpired between Deamon and Yudy....

Yudy's Pov :

I knew the trouble I put myself in, breaking Ares feelings.

He was no ordinary boy. He is more than he seemed to be.

Until last week I didn't know he was an arch angel. An arch angel specially assigned to guard ( Luca). He is to protect Deamon with his life.

And...not only that, I also found out his parents were one of the three creators there is. his boyfriend I only found out a day before he approached me.

We've been together for 10 years straight and still he didn't think it was compulsory to tell me.

To tell me that my life might be endangered, seeing as I'm one of the creators son lover.

The fact he didn't tell me, really angered me.

He hurt me.

Did he think I couldn't handle the truth?

When Deamon grabbed my hair, dragging me into my bedroom, I felt like I was going on a journey of no return.

His grip on my hair was firm.

His darkened expression and cold stare almost made to puke, out of fear.

If only stares could kill...

" How dare you?!" He demanded, with hoarse and thick voice.  " How dare you break him? Who gave you that right?"

" I__" I was speechless.

My mouth opened and closed twice but no words came out.

Maybe the fear of being exterminated from this world left me with no choice than to stay quiet.

I knew Deamon didn't mean it as a question.

" I'm sorry__" was all I could muster to say.

" No you're not Yudy, you're not." He said, shattering the mirror beside me.

I immediately closed my eyes, using my hands to guide my face.

Thank goodness, I was fast enough. I managed to save my face but not my hands.

The glass managed to pierce through my skin, making me wince in pain.

My eyes were still tightly closed, my breathing heaved and I focused on healing myself.

The smell of something burning made me open my eyes, distracting me from the healing process.

I opened my eyes to see my bed on fire.

Ohh shit!!!!

The sight of my bed burning freaked me out. I covered my mouth to avoid myself from screaming.

I looked at the king and saw his normal blue eyes had disappeared.  His eyes were mixed colours of red, black and green.

I immediately lowered my head and fell to my knees. 

I almost forgot his eyes could turn me into mere ashes.

It was one of the powers he possessed.

He could shatter, burn or destroy anything with just his eyes coming in contact with it.

His powers were beyond my understanding.

Each king had four powers they possesses, but he, he had many.

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