Chapter 13

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Venus POV:

It's been a week already since the incident with Deamon.

And...I still couldn't leave my apartment.

Mr Julian informed me about some rumours spreading around the school

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Mr Julian informed me about some rumours spreading around the school. Rumours I surely wouldn't like to hear.

But...I wondered what?

I sat on the bed. Staring outside the window for anything that might interest me, until the door bell rang.

I wasn't sure who it was. So I checked through the small tv connected to the camera outside, but I saw no one.

I was slightly confused.

' Did I hear it wrong?'

Slowly I began moving away from the door, until the bell rang again. I hurriedly checked this time but still I saw no one.

' Is someone playing tricks on me?'

I wasn't that friendly, so who would think of pranking me like this. Annoying.

I sighed.

I turned around ready to give up, but the person or rather animal doing it wasn't at all ready to give up. I stood by the door as the door bell kept ringing and ringing.

I thought of calling Mr Julian as he is the only one I trust right now, but something in my head tells me not to.

I checked the tv one last time and it was then I noticed something. A butterfly, a beautiful, colourful butterfly.

But what was a butterfly doing by my door? I thought.

I pressed the door open not bothering if there was anything besides the butterfly. I didn't care anymore...why was I even scared.

As it opened the butterfly flew over my head, inviting itself into my apartment. Immediately I pressed the door close.

I hurriedly walked to my sitting room and I saw the butterfly hanging on one of my flower vase.

I smiled at the sight.

But then it came through my head how a butterfly was able to ring the bell. There's definitely something more to this butterfly.

Suddenly, the butterfly flew over my head again, as I turned  around as quickly to follow the butterfly. But as I turned I realized the butterfly had turned into smoke, with a writing on it.

" To the Elite building in five__"

' what the actual fuck...'  I was on the verge of screaming. My eyes were wide open and my hands shivering, my forehead starting to sweat.

What's this feeling again? This is the second time I've felt this. was something people refers to as ' Fear '

I fell onto my sofa, using both of my palms to press my cheeks.

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