📸S2. Frenemy Part 2📸

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So it's the day after I moved out, starting afresh with Issac and Derek. Derek has been my biggest support alongside Issac as they have moved all the iron poles so I don't accidentally burn my hands or fall over them.

My phone began to ring and saw it was my dad." Derek, can you sort my things out, please?" I said softly before answering the phone." Hi Dad," I say softly." Roma where are you?!" Dad yells concerned for me. I'm okay, I'm safe," I said softly.

"Dad I know you're shocked and probably angry but I can't live in a house with someone who cares more about his bond with Scott than his twin sister," I gently explained."Roma come home please, we can talk this out me, you, and Stiles," Dad says sadly.

"I can't, you know for my mental health and happiness I just can't come home, I'm safe and I'll visit soon and I'll explain more when I see you, goodbye Daddy," I said softly.

"I understand, my little angel, be safe and know the door is open to you to come home, just come and get your keys, they are yours to keep," Noah says softly." I will later tonight, I'm going on my first date soon so I'm going to prepare for that," I reveal.

"I have a free period most of the day, so I'm gonna make sure I'm ready and I'll pop by the station," I tell him softly."Go have fun and make sure he treats you right or I'll have him," Dad jokes with me.

"I will Dad, and he always does, he's a gentleman first," I smiled softly at Derek who I could see was listening in to my conversation." Good baby girl, I'll let you go and I'll see you at the station tonight for takeout," Dad says." Bye Dad," I said hanging up.

"Done listening Pinocchio?" I smirked." I wasn't listening," Derek quickly says." Lying toerag," I said with a look." Okay maybe I was," Derek grins sheepishly." Maybe? You were!" I said with a smirk slapping his arm.

Derek chuckles," So date? Still going ahead or have you changed your mind about me and want someone else?" I said with a smile."I still want you, I will always want you," Derek says pulling me into his arms and kissing my lips deeply." It will always be you," Derek says with a smile as he puts his hand on my cheek and head on mine.

"I will always want you too Derek Hale, it will never be anyone else, only you," I said with a smile." Because you feel like home to me and like you were made for me," I tell him."You were made for me and I know you're the one for me, I feel like you are home for me," Derek whispers.

He looks at me and kisses me again and moves his head and kisses my jawline and moves to kissing my neck to my sweet spot before stopping.

"Mmm, you Tease," I groaned in pleasure." Mmhmm, I'll do more soon," Derek winks." Oooh is that a threat or a promise hot stuff?" I winked." A promise baby girl, now go get ready for our date baby girl," Derek says softly kissing my hands." I will mister and you too," I said walking off.

I get into my private quarters and get dressed but I choose my outfit first. I don't have a lot of dresses so I go for a cute outfit for the date since it's dinner and ice cream. Derek has booked a dinner reservation at a restaurant slightly out of town.

Roma Outfit-

Roma Outfit-

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