🎶S2.Raving Part 2🎶

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The pack were standing in the train station depot before we headed off to the rave." Is this going to work because what if he doesn't show? And it's just Jackson?" Erica asked.

"It's gonna work if we work together, So listen up and listen well," I said with a soft look and the entire room looked at me." You go out there and you stay focused," I said with a smile.

"You get scared, you need to use that fear to push yourself through this mission, It's okay to be scared but you don't walk away from this," I said."Fear can bring you home and it can keep you running," I tell them.

"Get knocked down get back up! There are no counts outs there are no do-overs. We have got one chance and one chance only to get this right so are you with me?!" I asked with authority.

"Yeah!!" The whole room cheers and the pack file out. Derek kisses my lips and we make our way to the rave.


Derek, Boyd and I approached the hunters as I was right, they did arrive at the rave thanks to Allison opening her big mouth.

"Derek! Back off." Chris says."Back off? That's-that's all you've got? I gotta be honest, Chris, I was expecting more from the, uh, big-bad veteran Werewolf Hunter." Derek smugly says

Chris then smirks"Okay, then. How about, "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to bring claws to a gunfight?" He says as all the hunters point their guns at us

"That one sounded pretty good," Boyd admits. Derek shoots him a look."Okay, boys let's rumble," I said getting my weapons out.

They start shooting at us. Boyd and Derek take cover as me for me. I took them on one by one and I managed to shoot them in the legs with my crossbow and gun. Derek and Boyd came out of hiding.

"Nice of you to join the party." I snarked out. We took down a few more hunters and then we took cover again while they shot at us."I think I stopped healing," Boyd says

"The bullets-- they're laced with wolfsbane." Derek tells him."You gotta go. Take the car. Roma, you got to go too." Derek instructs us."Hell no!" I said firmly.

"What about you?" Boyd asks."I have to find Scott. Go. Go!" Derek says. Boyd takes off and me and Derek are left hiding behind the dumpster.



Derek and I head off to find Stiles and find him outside the club. "Hey, um, so, we kind of lost Jackson inside," Stiles says We give an Are you fucking kidding look and turn to see Erica and Isaac come out of the club but can't cross the line of Mountain Ash.

"Oh, my God! It's working! Oh, this is--" Stiles says. "I did something!" Stiles announced proudly.

Suddenly Derek looks up and looks around."Scott?" Derek says."What?" Stiles says."Break it," Derek says."What? No way!" Stiles exclaims."Scott's dying!" Derek yells

"Okay, what? How do you know that?" Stiles questions."Oh, my God, Stiles, I just know! Break it!" Derek says with annoyance. "Ah," Stiles says breaking the seal.

Me and Derek run and I head in first and the smell of wolfbane hits my nose I see Scott and I go to grab him when I feel pain in my right shoulder followed by Derek growling loudly.

My vision blurs and I pull Scott outside but I fall backwards and I see Derek hovering over me before I blacked out.

I woke up on the operating table at Deaton's. I try to sit up only to get pushed down again."Stay down, you're hurt" I hear a certain hale speak."So what happened?" I asked.

"Mrs Argent stabbed you, not enough to hurt you severely just a deep gash, Deaton stitched you up," Derek tells me. I nodded in understanding."Well, tonight went to shit," I muttered.

"Yep," Derek nods."So what else happened tonight?" I asked."What makes you think something else happened?" He asked."Because tonight went to shit and you got a face on you," I noted.

"I may have, quite possibly, but accidentally..." Derek stammers."Stop with the bloody adverbs." I snapped."Bit Mrs Argent," Derek tells me."What?!" I said with a look."I did it out of instinct. She attacked us both so I bit her." Derek says

"Oh, dear lord." I groaned."It's her fault," I said with a small smile to Derek. He comes over and hugs me. I felt myself falling asleep. "Go to sleep, Roma," Derek says softly.


I woke up in mine and Derek's private quarters and alone. I headed to the bathroom and had a thirty-minute wash to rinse all the dry blood out of my hair.

I walked into my room to see Derek sitting on our bed with a smile on his face. "Hey, I'm okay, just very sore and gonna be out of action for a while," I said with a smirk.

"I feel horrible that you got harmed. I wanted to make sure you were okay." Derek says coming closer to me.

"I'm okay thanks to you," I said with a smile. Derek kissed me and I kissed him back."What was that for?" I asked with a look.

"That was an I'm glad you're alive and that you're still here type of kiss." He says with a smirk.

We stayed in each other embrace and enjoyed a movie together on the rare chance we had alone together.

"I love you, Derek Hale," I said softly smiling at him." I love you too Roma Stillinski," Derek says softly kissing my lips deeply and lovingly.


This chapter is done ✔️ up next is party guessed and Roma 2nd heat and it's more intense 😳.

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