🐲S2. Shape Shifted Part 2🐲

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I and Scott ran outside to see Isaac leaving in a cruiser and Derek appeared."Get in," He tells us."Are you serious? You did that. That's your fault." Scott tells him."I know that. Now get in the car and help me." Derek sighs.

"No, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer because a lawyer might have a chance of getting him out before the moon goes up." Scott says.

"Not when they do a real search of the house," Derek says impatiently.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse-- a lot worse," Derek says

"Right you're gonna drop me off at home as I need to grab something real quick and carry on without me," I tell Derek.

"Alright come on," Derek says softly smiling at me.

Derek just dropped me off at home and I grabbed my cloak which I bought my mask which is Bucky Barnes-inspired and my weapons.

I hopped onto my motorbike and headed to the station to get Issac out myself. I've started to feel hot and like my body is just in a state.

I put my cloak on and my mask and made my way inside past the lady at the desk and I saw Issac in his cell.

"Isaac," I whispered knowing he'd hear me. Issac looked up and I saw his yellow eyes."Roma? Get me out of here please!" Isaac whispers and shouts.

"Listen to my voice and calm down!" I sternly said with authority. I looked at him and he was calming down.

I busted the cell lock and got Issac out."Let's go, I'm taking you to Derek's to hide out." I commanded him.

Isaac nodded and we left. He jumped on the back of my motorbike and left for the train station.


I got Isaac inside before he wolfed out and he went for me."ISAAC!!!" I shouted in his face. Isaac stopped in his path and he stood still."Listen to me, think about something or someone that keeps you human," I gently but firmly told him.

Issac listened and calmed down enough for me to handcuff him to the train station pole.

"You calm?" I asked."Yeah, thank you," Isaac says shakily. I sat with Issac and messaged Stiles and Derek telling them Isaac was at the station with me and was sorted out.

I began to feel hot and Isaac looked at me and he was trying to nuzzle me with his scent and he broke free from his handcuffs. He collided with me and began to sniff me everywhere

"You smell good, I want it!" Isaac says lowly nuzzling against me." Isaac no!" I groaned in pain, I felt like my mind was going into a fog. My entire body felt like it was on fire and I needed something to put it out.

I heard footsteps and Isaac turned around and I could see Derek coming down the stairs. He looked to see me on the floor and he sniffed the air. His eyes went red and he tried to come near me but Isaac growled at him.

"She's mine!" Isaac growls baring his teeth and Derek growls back at him. I took the opportunity to move away from both of them." She's mine!!!" Derek growls dominantly and the two go at it before Derek comes over to me scent marking me.

"MINE!!!" Derek growls making Issac's wolf side give in and back off and he goes into the train cart where Derek handcuffs him.

I felt Derek holding me and the pain subduing and Derek's eyes were going back to their green color." What the hell was that? Was that a heat?" I groaned." Yeah sorry, I should have realized that us being chosen mates that would set off a heat," Derek says softly looking at me.

"Why did Issac react that way?" I wondered." Because you're mine unmarked and unclaimed so he thought he could try and take you," Derek tells me softly kissing my lips." But no one is ever going to steal you from me as you are all mine," Derek says with his red eyes flashing at me.

"I'm all yours mister," I said softly stroking his cheek." Good baby girl," Derek says softly nuzzling against me and he held me till the full moon passed." Am I going to get more of these?" I wondered." Yes sorry! But I won't ever take you during your heat not unless you give verbal consent as physical consent I'll ignore," Derek says softly kissing my head.

"Thank you for holding me, I don't feel in pain now," I said softly smiling at him." I'll always hold you, baby girl," Derek says softly smiling at me." Think he's okay now?" I asked looking at Isaac who seemed to have slumped over.

"He's fine, just sleeping the night away, and I think he's just learned that you're not for him," Derek chuckles." Meanie," I said softly slapping his chest." What? You're mine and he needs to learn that his hands aren't to touch yours," Derek smirks.

"Can I stay the night?" I wondered." You don't need to ask me, baby girl," Derek says lifting me and taking me to his private cart. " You need to go and get us food as I'm starving!" I said with a smirk." Yes, Your Royal Highness," Derek jokes, and I throw a pillow at him." Get to it peasant," I laughed at him.

Derek leaves and Isaac shows his face and he looks ashamed," Hey it's alright, not your fault okay? Do you want a Roma hug?" I said softly as I opened my arms and Isaac immediately rushed over and hugged me.

"I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to!" Isaac whimpers." Hey, this is new to you as the heat is new to me too! Don't worry about it, I said softly stroking his cheek. Isaac lay next to me and I held him as he slept.

Derek returned with food and he looked dead at Isaac." He's asleep and leaves him alone, he's new to this so don't be hard on him," I said softly smiling at him.

Derek immediately sat by my side and nuzzled my head covering me in his scent." Mine," Derek says softly kissing my lips."Possessive wolfie," I smirked taking my food." Your Possessive wolf, "Derek smirks and we all eat our dinner together before setting down for the night.

I had Derek holding me in his arms Isaac was snuggling against my back and I had two werewolves wanting to hold me all night long. I just let them get on with it and laid with both of them.

Part Two of Shape Shifted is done ✔️  Roma has experienced her first heat 😳👀

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Roma and Derek for the win?

Roma 2nd heat will be more intense!!

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