🧁S1.Co-Captain Part 1🧁

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So now me and Derek are following Peter out of the hospital. Derek kept me behind him and held my hand tight as we got to Peter's nurse's car.

Derek motions for me to join him in the back and I do. Peter gets in the driver's seat as Derek holds my hand and pulls me into his side.

"No one to ride shotgun I don't bite much," Peter says smirking.

"No thank you, don't trust a guy who has just been comatose for six years then faking it for the remainder of the year(!)" I snarky spoke.

"Oooh I do love a feisty girl, Roma," Peter says with a smile. "Oh shut the fuck up asshole and just drive," I snarled out."Now now, no need to be rude Roma." Peter teased

I glared at him and didn't respond further. This night was going to test my limit tonight. Derek kept a hold of my hand the whole ride.

The ride was awkward and long. Peter tried to get us to talk and didn't get very far as neither of us wanted to respond to him.

We then pulled outside of my house and I just looked at him.

"Roma you can leave," Peter tells me.

Me and Derek just glance at each other confused by this.

"You're free to go." Peter explains." Derek and I have things we need to do so you can go home, and if I want you for something I know where you are," Peter says.

"And if either one of you two do something I don't like I will kill you,"  Peter adds on."Fucking prick," I muttered."I heard that," Peter states."You were meant to, "I state getting out of the car.

Derek follows me out of the car as I get to my front door, I turn to face him. Derek pulls me in a hug and kisses my forehead.

"I'm okay, hot stuff. I think he is more scared of me than I am of him. I said with a chuckle."Okay? Baby girl. He'll hurt you." Derek says looking at me with worried eyes.

"I can handle Peter just like you can," I said with a smirk."You better go before he loses his patience," I said looking at an annoyed Peter.

"I'll try and do what I can to make sure you don't get the brunt of his orders trust me on this please?" Derek pleads.

"Okay mister," I said looking at his eyes. Peter then honks the horn."Fucking dickhead.' I said with crossed arms. "I heard that!!" We hear Peter say.

"You were supposed to arsehole." I snapped."Derek let's go!!" Peter groans and Derek looks at me and I nod in approval."Be safe," I tell him as Derek leans in and kisses me on my forehead once more before leaving.

I wake up to banging on the door. I can already guess it, Scott and Stiles.

"Roma!" I hear Stiles shout.

"What?" I shout.

The next thing I knew, they both burst through the door.

"We wanted to tell you that Derek is with Peter Hale the alpha."

"No shit idiots," I said with an I know look.

"Wait, you already knew?" Stiles questions.

"Yes I'm sort of with them but more Derek than Peter. If that makes sense?" I said getting up.

Scott nods in understanding. But Stiles looks confused.

"I am important to Derek in a very imitate way. I'm his chosen or fated mate, so Peter is using me to make Derek submit and join his pack. Ergo Derek is now part of Peter's pack and so am I,” I said, explaining it.

Roma Stillinski- Teen Wolf fanfic 🐺Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ