🏨S3A.Motel California P1🏨

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I'm currently sitting with Evie and Grace as Derek is healed up. Derek knows of my plans to adopt the girls and he has agreed to adopt them also.

"Grace, Evie, before we adopt you we would like to know more about you?" I asked gently as Derek sat near me.

"What do you want to know?" Grace asked." Who's pack are you from?" I asked Grace." I don't remember our alpha we've been walking for weeks, from Seattle," Grace admits.

"Hunters attacked in the middle of the night, Erin grabbed me and Aliyah and we ran away and bumped into her," Grace says looking at Evie.

"I was flying in the clouds and I saw them, my family got attacked in the moors and my mother sent me away to find you," Evie admits.

"She said it's your destiny to be the tribrid it's been written since your birth," Evie says softly.

"You're safe here girls okay? I won't let anyone harm you again, me and Roma promise you this," Derek says softly kissing their heads. Suddenly I hear noises downstairs and a small heartbeat.

"I'll be back in a moment, I think I heard someone enter the loft," I said softly." Want us to come with you?" Derek asked gently." No, I don't think I'll need you, it sounds like a child has entered the place," I smiled softly.

I headed downstairs and I followed the scent to the familiar loft space below and I saw a little Chinese girl standing there.

Like this-

"Hello little girl, why are you here alone?" I said softly

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"Hello little girl, why are you here alone?" I said softly." Family gone, I came here to find a safe place," She spoke softly." Come upstairs to my home, safe there I promise," I tell her with a smile.

"You'll let me stay with you?" She asked softly."Yeah, I have daughters ages 7 and 8 so you'll be safe here," I smiled softly." Thank you for your kindness Miss," She says as I put my hand out to her.

"You're welcome, I'm Roma Stillinski by the way," I tell her as she takes my hand." I'm Auska Kai and I'm six years old," Auska says softly." Lovely to meet you Auska," I said softly smiling at her.

We got to the loft door where Derek, Grace, and Evie stood with Cora." Derek, girls, Cora meet Auska Kai, she gonna be living with us," I said as I showed them Auska.

"Hi Auska, I'm Derek, and I see you meet Roma, my fiancé," Derek says softly smiling at her."Hello Derek, am I allowed to stay? Roma said I am," Auska said softly.

"Yeah, of course, of course, you can, I'm not going to leave you defenceless. You're one of the family now," Derek says softly smiling at her. "You promise? My mom said you're the alpha and she's the tribrid," Auska says softly.

"Yeah I promise and she's right so you know you're very safe here and protected," Derek tells her."I am, thank you for allowing me to stay," Auska says softly." No need to thank us, family and pack protect their own," Derek smiles." This is home," Auska nods.

"So Auska since you know what we are, can I ask what you are?" I asked kneeling in front of her." My mom was a fire kitsune, as was my father so they said when I am sixteen I will be a fire kitsune," Auska says softly.

"Till then I am human," Auska adds on." Okay, we know some about them already," Derek says Auska." As you know I'm a tribrid, an alpha Fey Valkyrie, Evie who is seven is also a fey like me, but Grace and Cora are beta Werewolves," I explained to her.

"You have more in your pack?" Auska asks." Yes, five more, they are away at the moment but soon they'll be home," I said softly smiling at her.

"Can I feel your wings and horns they look pretty," Auska says softly. I put my wings out for her and I dipped my head down so she could feel my horns." Pretty, softly," I heard her speak." Thank you," I tell her.

"Auska where are your parents now?" Cora asked." Gone, bad people, attacked them I travelled via train and walked from the next town to here," Auska says sadly and I hugged her with my arms and put my wings around her." You are safe here, do you know what the men look like?" I asked her.

"There were twins, a big beefy man, a blind man, and a scary lady," Auska tells us and I look at Derek."Deucalion and his pack," Derek tells her." They are here Auska but they won't get you none of us okay, I won't allow you or anyone of our pack to get hurt by them," I tell her softly.

"Grace, Evie come meet your new packmate and sister," I said softly smiling." Hi, I'm Grace Walker," Grace says with a smile." I'm Evie, I don't have a last name," Evie chuckles softly.

I stood with Cora and Derek," Can you get in contact with Issac, Erin, Aliyah, Erica, or Boyd and get them to come straight home as we need to plan a fight as I'm not losing anyone anymore," I said firmly.

"I have three daughters who need to feel safe so I'm willing to kill for them what about you hot stuff?" I smirked." I'm right there with you baby girl," Derek grins.

We stood together and watched the three girls play a game of Mario Kart on the TV." This is home, safe and sound," I said with a smile." This will always be home," Derek says kissing my head.

"Boyd and I have discussed going back to South America as I'm not ready to come back," Cora tells us. Derek went to talk but stopped him." You are free to do whatever you want Cora just know this is your home now and forever both yours and Boyd's," I tell her.

"Thank you, Roma," Cora nods before heading upstairs to bed. Derek and I watch our girls have fun and enjoy a rare quiet night together.


Part one of Motel California is done ✔️ Next up Roma and Derek have some time together whilst Cora watches the girls❤️

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We've learned a bit about Grace and Evie's past👀

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