🪔S2.Party Guessed Part 1🪔

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I, Derek and Scott were all walking into the abandoned cart at the train station."I'm saying we need a new plan, because next time, one of us is going to be too hurt to heal," Derek says

I and Derek take a seat."Ugh, I get it."Scott says." We can't save Jackson," Scott notes."We can't seem to kill him, either," I grumbled."I've seen a lot of things, Scott."Derek tells Scott."I've never seen anything like this. Every new moon's just gonna make him stronger." Derek looks down.

I comfort him by rubbing his back."But how do we stop him?" Scott asks Derek shrugs."I don't know. I don't even know if we can." He responds."Maybe we should just let the Argents handle it," Scott says

"I'm the one who turned him. It's my fault." Derek says."Yeah, but you didn't turn him into this!" I said with a small smile. Derek hangs his head."This happened because of something in his past, right?" Scott says

"That's a legend in a book. It's not that simple." Derek says."What do you mean? What aren't you telling me?" Scott questions."Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?"Derek asks."Because you always are keeping something from me!"Scott yells

"Well, maybe I do it to protect you," Derek tells him."Doesn't being part of your pack mean no more secrets?" Scott questions."Go home, Scott. Sleep. Heal. Make sure your friends are safe. Cause the full moon's coming, and with the way things are going, I've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one," Derek says softly kissing my head.

Scott leaves and Derek looks at me," Roma it might be best if you went to stay with your dad as your heat gonna arrive and it's gonna set them off and me," Derek says with a sad look.

"Oh yeah maybe it's best but I'll be back once it's over," I said softly smiling before grabbing my stuff for the night. Isaac came out of his train cart, "No!! You're not leaving!!" Isaac says softly grabbing me and pulling me into his arms.

"She has to otherwise I'll have a fight on my hands with you, Erica, and Boyd to get to her as she goes into heat tomorrow night again," Derek tells Issac.

"She's not going anywhere," Isaac growls out baring his teeth." Isaac I have to go otherwise you're all gonna fight tomorrow and tomorrow is a full moon," I said softly smiling at him.

"You do realize if she leaves we'll break out of here and chase after her scent?" Isaac points out. Derek pauses in his spot," That's true fine, Roma go lock yourself in that cart tomorrow evening, and don't open the door to any of us," Derek says softly.

I nodded and headed over to place my stuff inside the cart, I made sure my artwork was placed inside the room, spare clothes, pillows, covers Etc.

"I'm sorry for seemingly wanting you gone, I just didn't want you to be around three new werewolves," Derek says softly putting his head against mine.

"It's okay Derek, I think Isaac is right, my scent will make them want to rip their chains off and come after me," I said softly smiling at him." Lay with me before tomorrow night?" I said softly smiling at him.

Derek nods and nuzzles into my scent making me shudder and smile at him." The heat is coming soon as you are going hot," Derek softly stroking my hair. I am starting to grow hot and feel cramps, I should have gone back to my dad's for a while.


The next evening, Derek pulls a trunk over and opens it revealing chains. Kinky! Isaac runs his hand over the triskele that's on top of the chest.

"What is that?" Isaac asked. Before Derek could answer Boyd beats him to it."It's a triskele," Boyd says.

Everyone turns and faces him."The spirals mean different things-- past, present future; mother, father, child." Boyd continues.

"Do you know what it means to me?" Derek asks."Alpha, Beta, Omega?" Boyd answers."That's right." Derek says impressed with his answer.

"It's a spiral-- it reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another. Betas can become Alphas, but Alphas can also fall to Betas or even Omegas," Derek tells them

"Like Scott?" Isaac states."Scott with us," Derek said."Really? Then where is he now?" Isaac mocks."He's looking for Jackson," Derek tells him."Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight, either." Derek says.

"None of us will. There's a price you pay for this kind of power. You get the ability to heal, but tonight, you're gonna want to kill anything you can find," Derek reveals.

"Roma is gonna get locked up in a cart by herself due to a thing a mate of an Alpha goes through," Derek says.

"Well, it's a good thing I had my period last week, then," Erica says making everyone uncomfortable. Derek picks up a chain with nails sticking inward that look incredibly uncomfortable.

"Well, this one's for you," Derek tells her. Erica's face dropped at this and I was cringing at the sight of it.

I felt extremely hot and Derek, Boyd, Issac, and Erica look my way." I think you need to put me into the cart now!" I groaned in pain. Derek nods quickly places me in the train cart and locks the door.

I looked at the four and Isaac's eyes were flaring yellow as were the other two. Derek's eyes were flicking between his green and red eyes. I backed away from the window curled up in the corner of the room and tried to cool down.


Part one of the party guessed is done ✔️  part two is up next!!!

What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

Do you think Derek will only Mark Roma or Mark and Mate her👀

Do you think the pack will try and get to her?

What do you think will happen in Fury?

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