📷S2. Frenemy Part 1📷

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So everyone is off chasing Jackson who we knew it was the entire time. I'm at the train station depot with Issac since Erica and Boyd have already left for home. Derek was still out chasing after Jackson so me and Issac were snuggled up watching a movie.

"I heard you by the way Roma, you called us family a pack," Isaac says softly as he snuggles into my lap wrapping his arms around my torso." You are family, all of you are, I will always protect my family," I say softly stroking his hair.

"Then come and live with me and Da-Derek," Isaac says quickly correcting himself." I will, and you know you called me mom the other day, in your sleep," I said softly and Isaac looked up at me." I see you as a mother figure and I feel like motherly son bond between us, I'm sorry if I made things awkward," Isaac whines.

"You haven't, I know you feel like that and it's okay, I don't mind it at all, you're my baby boy despite us being the same age," I softly chuckled making Isaac smile." Come lay with me son," I said with a smile and Isaac nuzzled against my torso again and fell asleep as Derek returned.

"Hey you, you okay?"I asked softly smiling at him." Scott and Stiles got to Jackson before I could," Derek grumbles."Hey don't worry about it, it's fine, come on, come and lay with us and watch the rest of Maleficent with me?" I said softly tapping the space next to me.

Derek nods and kicks his shoes off and jeans and takes his t-shirt off." Ooh Daddy," I winked making him smirk." Behave you," Derek says softly kissing my lips." He loves you," Derek notes." Of course, he does I'm Pack Mom and Luna so naturally he feels like I'm his mom and you're his dad so no hitting him," I warned him.

"Yes Mami," Derek teased." Hey!" I said slapping his leg and making him groan." Meanie," Derek pouts." You love me!" I said with a wink." Of course I do baby girl," Derek says pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"Good puppy," I said softly." Oh, you wait till we go on our little date night tomorrow," Derek says with a teasing glint in his eyes." Ooh, where are we going?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh princess, that's for me to know and you to find out buttercup," Derek says with a grin." Fine don't tell me, I won't wear anything tight then," I grinned as Derek froze on the spot." You playing me?" Derek says with a playful glint in his eyes." Maybe?" I smirked.

I got up as Isaac rolled to the side and snuggled into my pillow." What are you doing?" Derek asks." Nothing?" I said with a smile before throwing a pillow at him and squealing as he grabbed it." Get here!" Derek says with a smile." Never!!!" I shouted as I ran off making him give chase.

I ran around the train station depot with Derek chasing and he caught me."Gotcha baby girl," Derek grins."So tell me what do you plan on wearing tomorrow for our date?" Derek wonders.

"Hmmm depending on the activity, the restaurant. I will be wearing cute, comfortable, and stylish clothes for our date mister," I softly smiled and nuzzled against his neck jawline, and nose.

"We'll be going to a nice restaurant and then going for some ice cream for our first official date," Derek tells me as he nuzzles against my neck scent marking me.

"Sounds perfect!" I said softly smiling at him and putting my hand on his cheek as I put my head on his." So Issac told me I should move in here with you guys? What do you think?" I asked softly looking at Derek.

Derek's eyes flashed red," Please? I'd love it if you did. As I want you here with me with us," Derek says with a smile."Okay, I will, help me get some clothes and that?" I asked with a smile." You got it, baby girl," Derek says with a nod.

"Isaac! Wake up!" Derek shouts and Issac bolts awake."I'm up!" Isaac says tiredly." Let's go and get my things whilst it's quiet," I tell him gently." Yay!! Pack Mama is coming to live with us!!" Isaac says with a smile." Well, that's if you both want me?" I teased." Or someone else?" I teased further.

"Nope we want you and you only," Derek says kissing my lips." Yeah, we only like you," Issac smiles." Good, 'cause you are my boys now," I smirked.

We headed back to my house to see no one was home," Right, let's go and get three boxes worth of clothes, my essentials and my artwork book," I said as we entered the house. I had two boxes already full of clothes, underwear and socks now I'm doing the third one as Derek takes them to the car.

Issac is helping to get my essentials and artwork and take them down to the car. I looked around my room and saw how my life as quickly turned around now it's growing empty," Ready?" Derek asks as he grabs the box." More than ready, let's go home the three of us," I said softly.

I locked up and threw my keys in the letterbox along with a note to my dad and Stiles. I know they'll find it when they get home and I'll probably end up with a phone call from Stiles and Dad asking where I've gone.

The note-

Derek drove us back to the depot and he and Isaac refused to let me move a thing

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Derek drove us back to the depot and he and Isaac refused to let me move a thing."Overprotective puppies," I muttered with a smile." You're our Luna and my mate so of course you are gonna get protected a lot," Derek says with a smile." I wouldn't have it any other way," I grinned."That's everything away, Mom," Isaac grins.

"Come on then baby girl, time for sleep now as we got our first date tomorrow," Derek says with a smile." Can't wait," I said softly smiling. Derek lays me down in his private cart and holds me all night as Issac nuzzles next to me.


This chapter is done ✔️ completely AU this chapter and the next one❤️

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