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"Nothing like enjoying nature," Fluttershy said softly as she and her friends rode on Giant's shoulders through the woods. "I couldn't agree more," chimed Sunset, taking in the serene surroundings. Giant breathed in deeply, relishing the beauty of the woods and the day. "It's so beautiful out here," Applejack remarked, unaware of Dash's gaze fixed on her.  "Yeah, it is," Dash said, smiling at Applejack. Applejack looked back at her before Dash looked away, blushing not noticing how Applejack was also blushing and softly smiling.

"Hey look," Twilight said softly, pointing at something. The girls and the giant looked and saw a deer. "Ooh, it's a deer," Fluttershy said softly. "Hey buddy, take us to get a closer look, but don't scare it away. We gotta be quiet," Dash whispered to the giant who nodded. He crouched and then went on his knees as they moved closer to see the deer, being careful not to make any noise. However, the deer sensed them and turned to see the giant and Rainbow and her friends.

The deer looked at them curiously as it started walking closer. The giant then stuck out his finger, allowing the deer to sniff it, almost looking like he was petting it. "Ha, well I'll be," Applejack said softly. Suddenly, the deer heard a crack before fleeing. "Huh, maybe he was in a hurry," Pinkie said. Unfortunately, that was not the case. A distant boom could be heard as birds scattered in the distance. "Oh no!" Rarity said as the giant walked in the direction that the deer fled.

He moved the trees that were blocking the view to see that the deer was lying on the ground with two men standing by it wearing hunting gear and holding guns. The two men looked and saw the girls but what scared them was the giant robot looking at them. "It's the monster!" One of the men said as the two ran away. "Oh no they didn't!" Sunset exclaimed. Giant approached the deer as he poked it.

"It's dead," Dash said as Fluttershy looked away from the deer hiding her face in Rarity's shoulder as she comforted her. Giant looked "Dead?" He gruffled, confused but sad as he once again poked the deer before trying to pick it up. "Don't do that!" Dash said as Giant looked at her confused. "But why?" He asked. "It's dead, understand?" Dash said as Giant looked at her confused. "What Rainbow Dash means is that they shot it...with that gun," Applejack explained pointing to the weapons left.

Giant looked at the weapon and felt his demeanor change his glowing yellow eyes started changing to red eyes before Twilight noticed. "Giant what's wrong," she asked as Giant's demeanor changed back. "Huh...Guns?" Giant asked, wanting to know what it was. "Yeah..guns kill," Dash said as he repeated what she said. "Guns kill." He said looking at the deer. "We should get back, it's starting to get late," Rarity recommended. Dash nodded in agreement "Alright buddy let's get back to the scrapyard." Dash said as Giant walked them back to the scrapyard.

Her uncle had gotten back from picking up scraps and was surprised and mad to see giant was not in the scrapyard and that Dash had told her friends about the giant robot but then came to an understanding of why she did it. "Well I'm making dinner right now if you're friends want they could join us," Striker said as her friends nodded in appreciation. Dash's mind however was in another world as she looked to see Giant had laid down and didn't talk. It slowly started to get dark as Dash and her friends ate dinner that her Uncle made. Rainbow looked out of the window to see him still lying down tapping a car trunk. "Penny for your thoughts?" Applejack asked startling Dash.

"I'm worried for him that's his first time seeing death and maybe he thinks it's his fault," Rainbow said. "Maybe we should explain it to him and he'll understand," Applejack said, Dash nodded and headed outside along with Applejack while the others were still eating. Dash and Applejack walked outside and headed towards the scrap pile he was lying on before looking at them as he noticed the two. "I know you feel bad about the deer but it wasn't your fault it wasn't any of our faults," Dash said softly. "Things die but that's a part of life it's bad to kill but not to die," Applejack softly said.

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