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Dash groaned and opened her eyes to find herself inside a moving car, with her head resting on someone's lap. She closed her eyes again, feeling disoriented. "She's waking up!" Applejack exclaimed, looking down at Rainbow's face. Dash slowly opened her eyes fully.

"Oh my baby, she's awake!" exclaimed Windy from the passenger seat as Rainbow lifted herself from Applejack's lap. "Stop the car!" Dash shouted urgently. "What?" Her mother asked, bewildered. "Stop the car. We have to go help him!" Rainbow instructed her uncle who was driving the car.

"Are you crazy kiddo you almost got seriously hurt. We're taking you to a hospital." Striker said as they reached town before they suddenly stopped to see the army was evacuating their town and closed it off. "Can't come near here, we're evacuating the town." One of the soldiers said as he approached the car before opening the doors taking Windy and Striker out of the car before someone also pulled out Applejack from the vehicle. "My niece needs a hospital." Uncle Striker said. "What niece?" The man asked as Windy, Striker, and Applejack looked to see Rainbow Dash wasn't in the car.

Striker turned towards the town and saw Dash running towards Giant. "Rainbow Dash!" her uncle yelled, distracting the man holding Applejack. Applejack pulled away and ran after Dash. "Rainbow Dash, no!" Windy called out. Giant was getting ready to launch an attack on one of the ships but then heard Rainbow's voice. "HEY NO STOP!!" Dash yelled, causing the robot to turn and look at Rainbow which caused him to miss the attack that was meant for the ship as an explosion went off in the distance barely missing the ship, causing Applejack to stop running as she also witnessed the attack.

While that happened the army, General Smith, Ace Deder as well as Dash's mom and uncle watched the attack. Deder looked at the Sergeant as he nodded before raising a phone. "This is General Smith prepare the attack and be ready to retreat to the fallback position." He said, causing Windy to be alarmed. "WAIT NO STOP!! MY DAUGHTER AND HER FRIEND ARE OUT THERE!" Windy screamed as everyone looked to see Rainbow was still by the giant robot.

"Dash!" Applejack yelled, causing Giant to turn his head towards her and raise his cannon arm, aiming at her. Applejack flinched and stopped in her tracks, raising her arms in defense. "Wait!" Rainbow said, quickly stepping in front of Applejack and opening her arms to shield her from the attack.

"It's me Rainbow Dash and Applejack, remember? It's bad to kill, guns kill and you don't have to be a gun. You are what you chose to choose." Rainbow said as she and Applejack closed their eyes. Giant let what Dash said sink in before his eyes went from red back to their normal yellow eyes.

"Dash," Giant said as she opened her eyes to see his eyes were normal and his defense mechanisms went away as he was back to being a regular giant robot before looking at himself being scared of what he had just become.

"Hey it's okay I'm here for you, it's okay," Dash reassured Giant, turning her attention to Applejack. "Aj why did you come after me like that? You could've gotten-" she started to ask but was interrupted by a sudden kiss from Applejack before kissing back wrapping her arms around Aj's waist as she wrapped her arms around Dash's shoulder.

After a few seconds, they pulled away but still held each other as Applejack spoke softly, "Please don't do that again." causing Rainbow to blush but nod in agreement before Applejack pulled away and quickly changed the subject, "We can talk about this later. Right now, we need to prove he's not evil." She said as the two turned to face Giant, who was watching them.

While that happened Striker was busy trying to convince General Smith. "So what you're saying he's good," Smith asked. "That's exactly right, the robot activated his defense mechanism because he was protecting himself," Striker said however Ace wasn't having it. "General if you don't launch the missiles he's gonna attack again," Deder said as heavy footsteps were heard approaching.

"It's coming Sir!" One of the men said as the army prepared their guns getting ready to shoot at them. "Which is exactly why you shouldn't shoot," Striker said. "Orders General!!?" The man asked as the Giant approached and revealed himself blocking something in his hands until he showed his hand to reveal Dash and Applejack were safe.

"Wait don't shoot!!!" They both yelled. "Dash!" Her mom called out scared. "Hold your fire, the girls are still alive?" Smith asked Deder who was close to losing it. "It's a trick. Launch the missile." Deder said persistently. "Are you mad Deder? All units stand down. This is General Smith to Nautical Come in Nautical." General Smith said on the phone.

Deder then looked at Giant who angrily glared at him causing Deder to do something stupid. He grabbed the phone from General Smith before yelling. "LAUNCH THE MISSILE NOW!" He yelled as one of the men on the ships pushed a big red button as the missile was launched into the air. General suddenly grabbed Deder by his uniform collar. "That missile is heading to the robot's location, where's the robot now Deder!?!!" He angrily yelled at Deder who looked behind him to see that Giant was still near them.

Deder winced, realizing his mistake before coming up with an idea. "We can duck and cover, there's a fallout shelter that's-" Deder was gonna say but was caught off by General "There's no way to survive this!!!" Smith yelled, causing him to realize something. "So we're gonna die?" Deder said. "Yes, we are for our people." He said pushing Ace but Deder was still stubborn, grabbed one of the cars and tried to drive off but was stopped as Giant used his hand to block him causing him to crash.

"Nice one buddy," Dash said as she was now on his shoulder with AJ. Giant then put out his hand to his shoulder as Dash and Applejack went on his palm as he gently put his hand on the ground. Dash got off first before offering her hand to Applejack who accepted it as she got off his hand. "DASH, APPLEJACK!!" The two turned to see Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie running to them as they tackled the two into a group hug. "You're okay, we got so worried," Twilight said. "We thought we weren't gonna see you guys." Pinkie who was crying said.

Dash smiled as she saw her mom and uncle. She then pulled away before running towards them as she hugged them. "Don't ever do something like that again," Windy said softly as Rainbow started tearing up. Suddenly sirens went off alerting the missle. Dash quickly pulled away and immediately looked at the sky trying to find the missile. Giant meanwhile looked confused before Dash turned to him and exclaimed. "It's a missile when it comes down...everyone here will die." She said as someone yelled and then pointed out the missile heading up in the sky.

Dash then looked back at everyone who was slowly starting to get scared, panicking, and saying their goodbyes. 'This can't be the end! There has to be another way!" Dash thought. "I fix," Giant said almost like he read Dash's mind. "Giant?" She asked looking at him who looked up at the sky before looking back at her." stay." Giant said softly as he crouched and he used his finger to gently lift her face to look at him. "I...go...Don't follow." He said softly. Dash held his finger for a little as her friends started approaching them.

"We're gonna miss you, Giant," Sunset spoke up. "We'll never forget you," Fluttershy said softly as everyone nodded. Giant smiled before he got up and pulled his hand away as Dash held his finger as he pulled away. He then walked backward looking at his friends for one last time.

"I love you big fella...I'll never forget you," Dash said softly as Applejack stood by her side and grabbed her hand as the two walked back. Giant then activated his boosters as he flew up into the sky heading towards the missile. All seven of them watched as their friend went to stop the missile, all worried. Twilight rested her head on Sunset's shoulder as she was scared while Sunset wrapped an arm around her trying to comfort her. Fluttershy closed her eyes, not wanting to look as Rarity and Pinkie comforted her.

Giant flew up into the sky and started leaving Earth's atmosphere as he was now in space the missile began falling back towards Earth heading for Dash's town. Giant was ready to stop it before remembering what Dash told him "You are what you chose to be." He remembered before the missile was about to hit him. "Superhero!" He said softly, closing his eyes as the missile hit him causing it to explode but ending his life in the process.

Back on earth the main seven and everyone closed or shielded their eyes as a bright light appeared in the sky. After a few moments, Dash slowly opened her eyes to see that the bright light was over. She looked around and saw that Giant had successfully stopped the missile. A sense of relief washed over her as she noticed a star appear in the sky after the bright light. 'You did it, buddy. You became a superhero,' Dash thought to herself. She then looked over at Applejack, who was also looking at her. The two hugged each other tightly, comforting one another after the intense experience.

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