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The next day, Dash found herself in her history class, but her mind was elsewhere. She wasn't paying attention to the video playing on the screen in front of her, which was droning on about what to do in the event of a modern-day disaster. Her friends, Sunset, Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack, were all around her, watching the video with varying degrees of interest.

Meanwhile, Rainbow was busy with her blank sheets of paper, lost in thought as her pencil flew across the page, recreating the massive robot she had encountered in the forest the night before. She was so focused that she barely noticed when the bell rang, signaling the end of the class and the start of lunchtime.

The group gathered in the school cafeteria and sat at their usual table, still buzzing with excitement and speculation about the robot that Rainbow had seen the night before. Dash was still engrossed in her drawing, occasionally pausing to take a bite of her sandwich or sip her drink. As they dug into their meals, talking about anything new.

"You guys won't believe what old man Johnson said he saw two nights ago he was out at sea and saw a tall colossal, glowing figure rising from the depths!" Sunset said as she took a bite of her sandwich causing Dash to stop what she was doing and listen to the conversation. "Really, darling? It sounds like a tall tale to me." Rarity said skeptical.

"I'm with Rarity, it's just a fisherman's tale. They tend to exaggerate." Twilight said, agreeing with Rarity. "But what if it's true? He said it was big! It must be some kind of sea monster, guys." Pinkie Pie said excitedly. "I hope it's not a sea monster or something scary," Fluttershy said scared before Rarity comforted her.

While her friends chatted excitedly, Rainbow kept her eyes glued on her drawings as she skimmed through the pages that had the drawings, her thoughts remained engrossed in her sketch, not fully participating in the conversation. Applejack however noticed her distraction. "Dash, you haven't said a word. What's on your mind?" Applejack said concerned.

Startled, Rainbow Dash quickly hid the papers behind her. "Oh, nothing, just got lost in my thoughts." She said her cheeks flushing. "We were talkin' 'bout hanging out after school. You in?" Applejack asked her. Dash hesitated, before glancing at her back that has her hidden drawings.

"I'd love to, but, um, I've got something I need to take care of." She said hesitant and nervous hoping they wouldn't ask. Her friends looked disappointed, especially Applejack, who had hoped to spend more time with Rainbow.

"Alright, if you say so," Applejack said slightly hurt. Just like that Dash stayed quiet for the rest of the whole school day thinking about the robot. 'He attacked the tower for metal to eat it so I should be able to lure him using metal.' She thought as the bell rang and she grabbed her bag headed to her locker, grabbed her board, and left the school.

As she was walking out, Rainbow couldn't help but notice a peculiar sight that caught her attention. There was a student's car parked outside with bite marks along the bumper, and her uncle Striker, who had the same skin color as her and spiky modern undercut multi-color hair, was in the process of hooking it up to his tow truck. She approached her uncle.

"Hey, Uncle, what happened here?" Rainbow asked. "No idea, kiddo. Looks like something took a big bite out of this car. Strange, ain't it?" Her uncle said. It seemed as though something had taken a massive bite out of the car, leaving behind deep and noticeable marks. Rainbow couldn't help but feel intrigued and slightly spooked by this strange occurrence as her uncle left her to ponder over what could have caused it before remembering about the robot and how its probably responsible for the damage.

'Oh no! Gotta head home fast!' She thought as she immediately skated away, Rarity, Fluttershy, Sunset, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack watched her departure, bewildered. What Dash didn't know was earlier that day a government vehicle pulled up on the scene and a man in a suit, a badge reading "Department of Phenomenons," with the name Ace Deder stepped out.

The mayor of the town had been receiving several reports of unusual and mysterious sightings, which made him quite concerned. To investigate these occurrences, the government sent Ace, a renowned investigator apart of the Department of Phenomenon, to search the town and find any suspicious activity. Ace began by examining the electrical tower, where Rainbow had previously met a robot. As he examined the tower, he noticed strange bite marks on it, which immediately grabbed his attention.

The workers who were present at the site at the time explained that they were unaware of what could have caused the bite marks before getting back to work. Ace continued to investigate the area, trying to piece together any evidence that could lead him to identify the source of these strange sightings and activities.

Ace was intently searching the area when something caught his eye. As he approached, he saw what appeared to be a broken baseball bat on the ground. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the word "Rain Da" was written on it, but a piece of the bat was chipped off. This unusual discovery piqued his curiosity, and he knew he had to investigate further.

As he turned to head back to his car, he suddenly realized that it was no longer where he had parked it. Shocked and confused, he scanned the area, but there was no sign of his vehicle. He knew he had to act fast and figure out who or what could have taken his car.

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