Secrets out

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The school bell rings, signaling the end of the day. Students pour out of the classrooms, including Dash. She then approached her locker getting her board and books as she saw Applejack making her way towards her. "Hey, I alerted the others. They said they'll meet us in front of the entrances," Applejack said.

"Okay," Rainbow replied, closing her locker, putting her bag on, and grabbing her board. She was hesitant to walk. "It's gonna be okay. I'm sure they'll understand," Aj said, offering a warm smile and placing her hand on Dash's shoulder. Rainbow nodded as they both walked to the entrances of their school and saw their friends.

"Hey, what's up?" Twilight asked Dash, surprised that she appoarched them after avoiding them for a couple of days. "Maybe you're finally going to tell us you and Applejack are together," Sunset joked. This made Applejack and Rainbow blush. "What? No way!" Dash quickly denied it, trying to hide her blushing. Rarity chimed in, smirking, "Oh, come on, you two. We all saw it coming." This caused Sunset to laugh.

"Oh and, what's the deal between you and Egghead, Sunset?" Dash asked, causing the two to blush. Before Sunset could respond, Applejack interrupted. "That's enough. Rainbow has something important to tell us." Applejack's serious tone made everyone quiet. "I can show you instead of telling you. Let's go to my uncle's scrap yard," Rainbow said, leading the way on her skateboard. "Just remember to keep quiet and not make any big noises when we get there," Dash warned, and everyone nodded in agreement. Pinkie assured them that she wouldn't say a word, doing the "zipper lips" gesture. Dash took the lead as they made their way to the scrap yard.

"Alright, guys, this is it. But before I show you, only my uncle and Applejack know about this, not even my mom knows." Rainbow stated as Applejack nodded in agreement. Rainbow Dash then cupped her hands to her mouth and called out, "GIANT!" causing everyone except Applejack to look at her strangely. After a moment, the ground shook with the heavy footsteps of what turned out to be a giant robot. Rainbow's friends were in awe as they had no idea what was happening.

However, Applejack seemed unfazed by the sight of the giant. The moment giant saw Dash, he crouched and sat on the floor. "Hey, big guy!" Dash said as she went near his foot and placed her hand gently on it. "Dash, where have you been?" the giant asked. "Heh, looks like Uncle's been teaching you how to do full sentences now. I've been at school, a boring place if you ask me," Dash replied with a smile before turning her attention back to her friends, whose jaws were all open and eyes wide.

"Guys, meet Giant. I found him that night when my mom was working late. He's the same "creature" that Sailor Johnson saw on that stormy sea night," Dash said. Fluttershy, who was the first one to snap out of the trance, looked at the robot before smiling softly, "Oh my, he's incredible!" She said.

"Yeah, and it gets even crazier. That night in the woods, I saved him from getting hurt as he bit into an electric tower near my house," Rainbow said proudly. "No way!" Sunset exclaimed. "You're like a superhero!" Pinkie added. "I'm no hero, just did what any person would do if they were in my situation," Dash replied modestly. "Come on, don't be shy. He's harmless," she continued as Sunset and Pinkie immediately moved towards the robot. "Don't worry, buddy. They're my friends. That's Sunset and Pinkie Pie," Dash said, pointing to the two girls. "Sunset... Pinkie Pie," Giant gruffly replied.

"He's so cool!" Pinkie exclaimed, climbing up on his foot. Dash then turned to Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity, pointing to each of them. "That's Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity," Dash said, introducing them. "Twi..light...Fluttershy...Rar..ity," Giant repeated slowly. "Awe, he's adorable besides the fact he's living in this scrapyard," Rarity commented as she and Fluttershy approached the giant.

"Well, he only eats metal. It makes sense why Dash would bring him here," Applejack added. While the rest of the group interacted with Giant, Dash, Twilight, and Applejack observed from a distance. "It's fascinating; I still can't believe you found this. But why have you been avoiding us?" Twilight asked curiously.

Rainbow became serious as she spoke, "Because there's a government agent named Ace Deder who wants to destroy it. He thinks it's dangerous, and he's getting suspicious about me knowing where it is. I had to lose him back at that diner and he's staying with me and my mom in the meantime." The group exchanged concerned glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. "We need to figure out a way to keep it hidden and maybe find out more about it," Sunset said, as Dash nodded.

"That's what I'm hoping for, but we gotta be careful. Agent Deder won't stop until he gets what he wants. The scrapyard is good, but I feel like we're pushing our luck here," Dash said as she looked at the giant, who was eating metal.

"Maybe we could go somewhere else in the meantime?" Twilight recommended. "Hmm, maybe not the lake, but there are woods not far away from the scrapyard," Sunset said. "Yeah, that could work," Dash said, turning towards the giant. "Hey, giant, do you want to leave the scrapyard for a little while and give your legs a big stretch?" Dash said as the giant nodded.

He then crouched and stuck out his palm, Dash walked on the palm and waited for the others, "Come on, it's harmless," Dash said. The other six looked hesitant before deciding to trust Dash, walking up to his palm. "Alright, big guy, lift us toward your shoulder," Dash said as the giant stood up and moved his palm toward his shoulder, and she, Applejack, Twilight, and Sunset sat on one of his shoulders.

"Okay, now move to your other shoulder," Rainbow commanded as the giant moved his palm to the other side, allowing Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie to sit on the other shoulder. "Alright, buddy, let's go," Dash said, pointing in the direction to head to the forests.

While on the other side of the town, Agent Deder was still investigating the woods and the scene where Dash saved the giant robot but also dealing with his stomach needing to go to the bathroom every now and then. Just when he was beginning to feel unlucky with his investigation as he walked through the woods, he was hit by a camera that was hanging on a branch. He took the camera with him as he needed to obtain the pictures possibly needing to find evidence.

He went back to Dash and her mom's house since that's where he's staying. Using the bathroom as a dark room he used the tub to rinse the prints of pictures that he had gotten as he was hanging the pictures so they could dry. Something that Deder noticed was that each picture had Rainbow Dash meaning that this was her camera and even makes her more suspicious. Deder held onto the last photo as he had just dipped it in the water hanging it before hearing knocking. "Are you feeling much better, Deder?" Windy asked on the other side of the door. "Oh, yeah, I'm feeling much better now," He yelled, smiling as the photo that he put up was a picture of Rainbow Dash and the giant robot.

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