Chapter 81- Over This Shit

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"Do we have a deal?" Rick asks. 

A Walker approaching us makes Paula remove her binoculars, look at the Walker, then turn to her bitch-mates and nod. "I'll get back to you." She says into the walkie. 

I hear a click behind me, symbolizing the woman is putting her gun away, then she grabs my jacket and quickly puts it over my head, covering my vision. 

"Move," Paula orders, shoving me forward. 

I can't see where I'm going, the only thing I can see is my feet if I look down. 

"I can't fuckin' see where I'm goin'." I mumble. 

She tightens her grip on my arm, "Turn." She orders. 

I don't, I just shuffle the way I feel her body weight go. 

We walk through the woods, crunching sticks and leaves, going farther and farther from Daryl. 

I'm memorizing the way we're walking, or- trying to. It's difficult when my breathing sounds bounce off of my jacket and go in my ears. 

"Wait." The woman says, bringing us to a gravel road and walking away. 

Shortly after, a car engine approaches us and stops right in front of us. 

"Up." The younger, other woman orders, shoving me towards the car. 

I stumble to climb inside but once I do, I immediately feel either Maggie or Carol next to me. After a second, the car door closes and the other one opens, someone else gets inside on my side. 

"Omega, omega, Saviors down." Paula says while someone grabs my wrists and uncomfortably duct-tapes them together. Reaching under my jacket, the woman next to me ties a piece of fabric around my head, securing it in my mouth, gagging me silent.

"Go to Gamma, code 'fire.'" The walkie-talkie statics for a moment before Paula continues, "Alpha channel is not clear. We follow the protocol." 

I'm not worried, surprisingly. I'm not worried I'm not gonna see Alyssa or Damien or Abraham or Daryl again. For some reason, I don't expect these pricks to have the balls to kill us. 

Maybe the people they're calling do, maybe not. 

Guess we'll fuckin' find out.

"Where the hell are you guys?" Paula groans. 

I can't see out of the car windows though my senses are heightened without my sight. I can hear the soft rumble of the car engine, I can feel each turn we take, and I mentally take a note. 

Static hisses before a man says, "Out west of the-" The walkie cuts in and out. "Fifteen mi-on-way." 

"We're headed to the breakpoint." Paula states, "Switch to Theta channel, same code. If I'm not there, toggle to Alpha, listen in." 

"Copy that." The man replies. 

I don't know how much longer, though it feels like an eternity it takes for us to be out of the car. 

The wind blows softly, sending a shiver down my un-jacketed arms. 

Keys jingle in front of me and a door squeaks open, I get shoved in shortly after. 

The floor is a dark, dirty concrete like it's been neglected for years. It smells like a swamp inside this building and it's just as cold inside. 

Now that we're in a building, I can feel my heart rate pick up. The fact I don't know where we are, no matter how hard I tried to memorize the way, makes me start to panic a little. 

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