"Back when you had two legs and we didn't have a baby crying for walkers every four hours." Glen hissed.

"We can't stay here." Hershel shook his head.

"We can't run." Glenn insisted. Judd watched as Maggie walked back into the cell blocks. "All right... we'll stay put. We're gonna defend this place. We're making a stand."

It was quiet as everyone looked to eachother. Judd sighed, rubbing his stubble as he stepped forwards a little. "Glenn, take Carl to the tombs." The two looked at him. "We need to figure out where the breach is."

"You got it." Carl agreed softly.

"You'll need some help." Michonne offered.

"Nah." Judd shook his head. "In case anything happens, I need you out here... I'll take Hershel with me to go speak to Rick."

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"I'm like my Papa now." Cassian spoke out loud. Beth made a noise from infront of the girl. She was changing Cassians bandage on her head, the stitches were bleeding.

"How so?" Beth asked as she taped the bandage down.

"Papa has a scar on his eyebrow. Now I'm gonna too." Cassian told her.

"How did he even get that?" Beth mused as she recalled the thick looking scar on Judd's eyebrow.

"You can't tell him I told you..."

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After Hershel chewed off Glenn's ear, they boy left in a car, so Hershel and Judd strolled over to the fence by Rick. "Hey, Rick." Judd called out softly as they approached the man on the other side of the fence. "Rick? Hermano!"

Rick turned and begun walking over to the fence. "You know I wouldn't have hobbled all the way down here if it wasn't important." Hershel tried to joke. "Are you coming back soon? ... Glenn's on a warpath. As smart as he is, he can't fill your boots. I'm afraid he's reckless. We need you now more than ever

"If you're so worried about him, you lead." Rick brushed off as Judd sighed.

"What are you doin' out here?" Hershel asked softly.

"I've... I've been... I've got... stuff out here. Stuff." Rick stumbled over his words. Judd looked to the man sympathetically.

"You've been seeing her." Judd spoke up. "Ain't that right."

"I... I saw Lori." Rick nodded, head down. "I'm seeing Lori. Um... I know it's not really her. But there's gotta be a reason.  It's gotta mean something, you know."

"It means you miss her." Judd told him. "It means you're grieving... I know what you're going through, Rick. I've been you. But... man, you gotta pull yourself together for your kids... you gotta try."

Rick rubbed his eyes as he took in Judd's words. "Rick." Hershel voiced. "Come on. You need rest. It's not safe out here." Judd patted Hershel on his back as they watched Rick walk away.

That was until they heard the first shot.

Back in the prison yard, Beth, Cassian and Carl dropped to the ground as they saw Axel fall. Carol was laying on the ground next to his body, her face covered in his blood.

The three ran over to the bleachers, staying low. Cassian was thankful her father had made them wear the bullet proof vests they had found. Carl was shooting, but Cassian didn't know where to aim.

They ran to the side of a guard tower, they were closer to Carol. The gunfire stopped for a moment and Carl and Cassian looked to eachother. Maggie ran out of the block, handing Beth a gun before taking cover. Cassian peeked round the tower to see a man on the top, firing into the field.

The field where Hershel was. The field where her dad was.

Maggie covered Carol, the woman running for cover. Again it went quiet. But they knew it wouldn't last. They were right. A truck came slamming through the gates, into the field. They watched as it came to a stop, two men all suited up running out, running away.

The group watched in horror as the back doors opened. Walkers flooded out. They started shooting again. With a deep breath, Cassian aimed at the man on the watch tower. She groaned in frustration as she kept missing, the frown pulling at her stitches.

Cassian clenched her jaw and poked her head around the corner, watching the man trying to shoot her dad. With a glare, she pulled the trigger.

The man dropped dead.

Cassian didn't let it register that she had just taken someone's life. She couldn't think about it. Not now. Especially not now while they were under attack.

For a third time, the gunfire ceased again. The little group ran to the gate, wheeling it open and opening fire on the walkers in the yard. Cassian bit her cheek as she looked for her dad and Hershel. Carl called her name and pointed. They had gotten into Glenn's car. He must have heard the gunfire and drove back.

When the car came close, they ran back to the yard and closed the gate when the car was in too. Judd rushed out of the car, much like the others. He went straight to Cassian, instantly noticing the girls trembling hands and pale face.

What had even happened?

Cassian sank into her fathers embrace, brows furrowed as her eyes clouded with tears. Cass choked on a sob.

She just killed somebody.

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Anybody have any predictions?


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