Chapter 13: October 21st, 2015

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It's been three long months since I stabbed Kerry. I did three months in a juvenile detention center and was ordered to stay away from her. Once she signed her guardianship over to Lance she moved to Charlotte, NC and we moved to Raleigh, NC.

Lance stuck to his word. I had no freedom, no phone and no Lani. I cried the first three days away from home. I missed Heaven and I definitely missed Lani. She wrote me a few letters and visited twice but all of that stopped. Heaven said she moved on and so did Alex. I could tell she was hurt but didn't want to show it.

School has already started and I'm behind three months. I'm going to complete the second half of school, after Christmas break. I'm also attending summer school so I can start my senior year with my other classmates. This is the last year with Heaven then she's off to school in New York for college.

Lance is still an actor, but he isn't gone as much as he used to be. When he's out of town on business we have a live in housekeeper. Her name is Yazmine. She's tall, perfect brown skin, long curly Afro and gorgeous white teeth. She's nice, can cook and acts like one of the girls, but don't get me wrong she still does her job. Lance is paying her well.


"Kameron come here please?" Lance called from downstairs. I was up in my room reading a book. I was getting to the good part too. "Coming!" I yelled down. He was sitting at the kitchen bar with a big grin on his face. "What's got you so happy?" I said smiling too. He stuck out my phone and when I reached for it he jerked back. "Not so fast young one. I changed your number. It's for the best. Just in case she tries to contact you." I nodded my head in agreement. It was the same phone just different number. I'm surprised he didn't wipe out my contacts too. "Thanks Lance" I said reaching up for a hug. "Does this mean I have my freedom back too?"

Lance laughed and said "one step at a time babygirl." I understood that and went to find Heaven in her room. "Look Heaven I got my phone back." She looked up and smiled. "Great. Are you going to give Lani your new number?" I contemplated for a long, and hard 15 seconds. "Nah. You said she moved on so I gotta do the same, right?" "Right" she said hesitantly.

I sat on her bed and logged into Instagram. I had so many notifications. Some good and some bad. I also had a message from Lani and Alex. I read Alex's first. It made me tear up. I gave her my new number but made her promise not to give it to her Lani. About thirty minutes later she texted me.

Next I read Lani's message. It read: Hey Kam. I know you're getting out soon. First just let me apologize for only visiting twice. It was hard for me to see you in there and not be able to touch you, kiss you, hold you. I still have love for you but these past three months without you have been hard but good at the same time. I wish nothing but the best for you. Hope everything works out ❤️.

I really didn't know what to say. I simply replied with "Ok, I understand Lani." Although I know I shouldn't I went through her pictures. She was with some new chick. She was cute but she wasn't me. I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize a tear rolled down my face. I wiped it off and went to my room. I didn't want to think about anything right now, just sleep. I made a mental note to make a new Instagram when I woke up. This transition was going to be harder than I thought.

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