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My eyes flutter under my eyelids but I fail to open them. I can hear voices, but can't exactly understand them. It's like a background noise, but inside my head. It keeps happening. It's like a dream. Earlier the voices were loud screams, piercing voices and totally unfamiliar. But now, they are at least familiar.

I try moving, but I can't move my legs, my arms or any other part of my body. It feels like an iron chain is wrapped around me, making it hard for me to move. I try opening my eyes again, but fail.

"Roses," a familiar voice whispers

I know the voice. I know the whisper. It's him. But I can't see him. It's like I am in the clouds, floating in outer space. Everything seems too peaceful, but the only difference is, it isn't.

I hear his voice comfort me with his words. Words I can hear but no longer process. I want to raise my arms and pull him in. I am scared, I am alone. The white clouds around me are scaring me, because he isn't here. Why am I here?

It's only his voice that is keeping me company. So I try to hold onto it.

But then there is loud banging. Banging that scares me. I flinch mentally, but I don't think my body moved.

Words start flowing in the air as a heated argument takes place between two people.

"You did this," I hear Aadi shouting at someone.

"I had no idea. You need to trust me. You can't out me in public like this."

I know this voice. It is familiar.


My father.

What's happening?

I try to open my eyes, but fail, again. I keep trying as my brain constantly listens to the conversation.

"We all play dirty sometimes, and I was just paying him for the information he was extracting for me and for keeping his mouth shut. Had I known he was planning to hurt her—." He is cut mid sentence by another voice, Aadi's voice. "One would think you would mend your ways now, but no. Can't you see that your daughter is still unconscious?"


Yes, that makes sense. I am not in the clouds. I-I am unconscious.

I try to speak. At first my tongue was swollen, too heavy to move, but not now.

"Aadi," I say in a low whisper. I am almost sure that he must have not heard me, but then I hear him shouting, "nurse! Call the doctor, now!"

Slowly my eyelids open. The world around me is too bright for my eyes. I flinch in pain. I don't remember it being so bright and pale.

I groan in pain, while my body tingles. I can finally feel my limbs, my body.

Suddenly, my throat is too itchy and my mouth to dry. "Water," I whisper. Through my peripheral vision I watch Aadi move, probably trying to get me water.

"Sir, you can't give her water, not until the doctor says so," a soft feminine, unfamiliar voice says.

After a few moments, Aadi presses his cold hand against my forehead and the warmth engulfs my entire body. "Just wait a few minutes, baby," he whispers.

But my mouth is very dry. I need water. "Please, water," I murmur. I raise my eyes and take a look at his face. He looks... tired. His eyes glisten with pain and hurt.

"Just a minute, Roses." He turns his face away and asks the lady in white — probably the nurse — to call the doctor.

He turns around to face me and continues to press his hand and lips against my forehead. My eyes roam around the room and then settle on my father and mother standing near the foot of my bed on the other side.

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