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It's been two days since the almost kiss incident. I have been avoiding her ever since. I have kept our conversations to the point.
Even on our car ride to her school, I avoid having any discussion about that day.

Our relationship will always be just platonic.

I don't want us to turn into my parents. BROKEN. STUPID.

"Aadi!" Avinash says as he stands between the door.

Worry oozes from his tone. A huge frown sits on his forehead.

This can't be good.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Someone tried to hack into our system. We blocked them out but they were able to get into some files."

I clench my jaws. Hacked into my company's system?

"What files?"

"Nothing huge. Just some previous deals." He says.

"How did this even happen?"

"I have no idea. This has never happened before."

"Then fucking find out." I shout as I push my chair back and head towards the door.

"Aadi, you can't lose your shit like this. Where are you even going?"

"Control room." I murmur.

"Avinash?" I say while pressing the button for lift.

He nods.

"Fire every IT person who was looking after that system. Apparently, they aren't as good as their resume says."

"On it."

He steps into the elevator with me.

"Who do you think is behind it?" He asks.

"The fucking marked ones." I say furiously.

"But why would they hack into our previous accounts?" He asks.

That's the problem. We have no idea who they are or why are they coming after us like this?

"Do you— Do you think Vanie's father has something to do with it?" He asks hesitantly.

It can't be him. My loss is now his loss. He fucking signed a deal with my father.

"No." I answer.
"Are you sure? I wouldn't put this past him. He has stolen our details before he can do it again."

"He is not brave enough to do it himself, to hack into our fucking system. He is a coward who hides behind his paid goons. And he won't make the mistake of going against us, not now, when he is the one heavily benefiting from the deal."

He nods.

The elevator doors open and we rush towards the control room.

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