With my luck, we go to the same school. Him and all his buddies go there. That would be hell. Actually no, the foster houses were hell. School was as close as it got.

I'm not hit there or beaten, but it was still terrible. Let me just tell you, it is safe Hell.


I cursed myself. Of course I had to say that I went to the same school. Here's the thing, I wasn't going to that school but the Vinci's suddenly got strict on rules and decided to introduce me to them after a month.

Let me tell you that I did not pay attention. It had been 3 days since Scott invited me to the club and it was my first day of school. It had been two weeks since school started after the Christmas Break.

The Vinci's were too nice. They smiled and laughed with each other and joked around, and decided to take me shopping.

Eyes and Ears had been over almost every day, and were infuriated that I 'let' the Vinci's take me shopping.

I did not let them. They carried me out of my room -that I still did not like-  and threw me in the car. Then they told me that we weren't leaving the mall until I bought 10,000 dollars worth of stuff.

Let me tell you, that was the fastest they have ever spent 10,000 dollars in a mall.

On a good note, I had redecorated my room.

I walk into the school building. Both Iman and Nile went here. Iman was Minion one that Eyes had been arguing with that night. 

Nile was the younger one. They were the supposed twins that weren't really twins. They were the youngest Vinci brothers that were nine and a half months apart.

They were Seniors. I was a sophomore. I walk into the office and get my schedule. Luckily I didn't have CE or AP classes. I would be lucky to finish High School.

I walk into the first class and sit in the farthest seat from the front. I hated school. At least this time I had paper so I didn't have to wait for an assignment to draw.

My hair was getting lighter at least. I didn't want to kill the guy or even torture him until my hair was back in its natural state.

I feel myself tugging on my hair and forced myself to stop. I hated how nervous all the people made me. The mall had been torture.

My breathing starts to get shaky and I close my eyes. No one was even in the room yet. I open my eyes and lean against the wall. This was going to be a long school year. Or what's left of it.

Kids come in and the teacher starts teaching whatever they're teaching. I think the Vinci's had a rule that I needed to get good grades, but I didn't care.

There was a 95% chance that I would die in the next three years. I draw until the bell rings. Then I scrambled to find my next class. This place was huge.

My next class was health I think. I couldn't care less about what it was unless the teacher decides to make me participate.

I walk into the classroom and once again sit at the desk that was as far from everyone that I could get. I start drawing again.

The one I finished in the other class was someone screaming and ripping their face off. Maybe I shouldn't draw these things.

I drew an eye but in the pupil you could see someone was being hanged.

Devils and DemonsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon