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Somehow it got colder I think. It was almost impossible to breath with the air being as tense and heavy as it was. At the same time I could not help but feel like the villain that was meant to suffer. Still, I was anxious. A voice inside of my head told me to run away. This whole situation was just messed up. No matter how much I thought about it, I had no idea how James could have possibly known about my mother. The news never said anything about her parents dying in the war.

"James, how do you know about my mother?" I asked once again without realising that I had raised my voice at him. Luckily nobody else was walking around the corridor. Weird but lucky.

James did not say much. He looked around a few times and sighed here and there but that was all. My blood was boiling. First he started spouting nonsense and now he refused to talk. This had to be a really bad joke, otherwise I could not explain this nonsense.

"I'll ask you one last time. How do you know about my mother?!"

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He stayed quiet. He just mumbled something about a good ending. I felt like I had heard this somewhere before already. After a second I realised where I had heard it. Lisa had said something similar before I left. With this James had finally gotten on every last of my nerves. I counted to ten in my head, since I really did not want to hit James in the face, thus I needed to calm down.

Somewhere in my pocket I found the little origami cat I got from Lisa. I still had no clue what it meant but at least I had a theory now how I could use it. I shoved it at his chest and told him that someone I knew had said something similar already and that the two of them would have probably gotten along. James gaze shifted between me and the origami cat, which honestly was not in the best condition anymore but I did not care. All I wanted was for this nightmare to end.

"Who gave you this?" James had this nightmarish look in his eyes, when he asked me this. I felt as if he had aged about ten years in a matter of second. The dark bags underneath his eyes became even more prominent and I could have sworn that his entire body way trembling.

"Does it matter?"

"It does!" He shouted.

"Who gave you this? What's his name this time? Did he threaten you? Did he tell you to break up with Mint?"

Every second I spent listening to him, another one of my brain cells died. What was going on? I tried to shove James away but he insisted on me telling him whatever the hell he wanted to hear. The more time passed, the less sense it made. First of all I explained to him that a girl by the name of Lisa gave this one to me. He said the name once, then twice and then he started giggling. James was getting rather creepy. I had never heard him giggle like this. This man must have been possessed by some kind of demon.

Once James had calmed down a bit, I tried explaining to him that I was the one that had decided to break up with Mila. I did not talk in depth about Emilia because suddenly James was starting to act up again. Just like before he was talking about this good ending. I had no idea what he meant by this. This was not some kind of romance story you could watch on TV.

James just would not listen to me. He continued interrogating me but at some point it was just too much for me. I managed to free myself from him. I carefully made sure that he had not broken my wrist but it seemed to be fine. When I saw the misery and despair in his eyes, I decided that I needed to get away as fast as humanly possible.

"Listen, I don't know what's going on with you but I don't think this is funny. I broke up with Mila because I love Emilia. I have no clue how you know about my mother but just so you know, I'm not this weak, stupid child anymore and I'll never let anyone take control over me anymore, so stop this bullshit already and let me go."

To my surprise James did what I had told him. He stepped aside and let me take my leave. After everything that had happened, this seemed unnatural. Did he have some ulterior motive or why was he letting me off the hook that easily. Whatever it was, I did not waste my time thinking about it. Instead I rushed away. I never got to understand what James was talking about on that day. It was the last time we had seen each other. After this encounter we were nothing more than strangers. I went back to my hometown and never heard anything from him ever again.

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