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Mint and I were not officially speaking boyfriend girlfriend. One kiss did not mean anything. At least that was what I had learned from all those awful romance movie I never actually bothered to enjoy. I felt like you first needed to sign a contract that you were dating. Currently we were just seeing each other and starting to catch feelings. Nothing more, nothing less. A cruel world we were living in. Catching feelings was hard enough already.

It was not that I thought she was not attractive. In fact, she was the most attractive person I had ever gotten to see. Like please, queen, step on me! It was not her personality either. She was polite and sassy. She was honest and mysterious. She was all I ever wanted. A woman like her could get every man she wanted but in the ende she chose me. What was it then? What made it so hard for me to love her? Perhaps I just needed some time. Falling in love is a process not an event.

Everyone at work had heard about us. The elder women were kind of sad. They had hoped that I would get together with their daughters. The guys congratulated me on getting together with Mint. Additionally, they told me that they expected no less from me. Hotties attract hotties. The unspoken rule of the high society.

The girl with the mole underneath the left side of her lips did not congratulate me. To be honest, she seemed rather annoyed every time something about me and Mint came up. What was wrong with her? I did not really know her in the first place, so why was she judging me? I should have  talked to her but that was just wasted energy. Every time I tried to approach her, she pretend to not see me. I was air to her. That way I did not even get to know her name. I asked Mint about her. Mint just told me that her name was Lucy-Ann Roberts and that she had started working here about six months ago. Apparently even Mint failed at approaching her, which was quite hard to believe, considering that we were talking about Mint. Mint, the goddess of conversations.

Mint told me a secret. Lucy-Ann did not like to take showers. That was why she looked and smelled like a trash bin. I thought Lucy-Ann was pretty. I liked her hairstyle and her glasses. Mint did not feel that way. She thought her hairstyle was really childish and that she needed to put on some makeup, otherwise she could be mistaken as a vampire. Poor Lucy-Ann. Maybe that was the reason she was so hard to approach.

Even though Mint and Lucy-Ann did not get along, I still wanted to get to know her. This however was harder than I expected. Lucy-Ann did not let me get close to her. It was as if she had put up a wall between us. Was it really just because of Mint? It could not have been. Mint was nice and easy to get along with. Mint was amazing. How could anybody hate her?

I asked my friend for some advice. I was laying on my bed, listening to the sounds of the cars driving by. One car. Two cars. Three cars. Four cars. Five cars. Six cars. Seven cars. Eight cars. Nine cars. Message.

My friend proposed that Lucy-Ann might have been shy. This was a reasonable theory but not quite it. I explained the whole situation once more in detail. Then, after a while, my friend proposed that it might have been because Lucy-Ann felt intimidated by Mint. This did not sound reasonable at all. This must have been it. I asked my friend to elaborate on this idea a bit more. My friend told me that it might have been because Mint looked gorgeous and Lucy-Ann just did not. What? What? What? Hold up, what is this about? My friend told me that Lucy-Ann was not pretty. Had my friend even looked in the mirror? Lucy-Ann was pretty. Lucy-Ann was close to being the prettiest person in the whole universe and probably all other universes as well.

I told my friend that Lucy-Ann was in fact really gorgeous. My friend laughed. I asked my friend why. My friend asked me if it was not obvious. I answered no. My friend told me that someone like her was not pretty. I told my friend that someone like Lucy-Ann was insanely pretty. We got into a playful argument. Not that playful. It was heated. My friend told me that I was calling someone prettier than my girlfriend and that this was just straight up wrong. I asked why, already being fed up with all of this. My friend asked me how I could say that I loved Mint, if Mint was not the most beautiful person in the world to me. I told my friend that I just thought that there was someone else was also pretty. My friend could not believe it. My friend felt sorry for Mint. Mint did not deserve an asshole like me. The conversation came to an end. I turned my phone off and felt like throwing it against the wall. I had not noticed how much I was shacking and sweating. Cold sweat running down my whole body. My eyes had probably turned red, because I was in fact crying. My friend did not understand. My friend never understood. My friend would never understand.

As hard as it was to get back control over my body, I actually managed to. I gently put my phone on my bed, as I got up and made my way to the open window. The air outside felt cold and calming. I could not hear a single car anymore. How much time had passed? It was dark outside. The moon was honouring the sky. The stars were dancing like little ballerinas. Looking out the window was beautiful. My friend was right. Stars were kind of beautiful.

I knew that Mint was slowly fed up with me asking so much about Lucy-Ann. At some point she told me that she did not want to hear a single word about Lucy-Ann anymore. I then understood that I messed up. As an apology I invited her out to get some ice cream. The ice we got looked really fancy. It reminded me of a flower. I took a picture of it and sent it to my friend, cautiously waiting for an answer but nothing happened. My friend did not even take a look at the picture. Well, that was it then.

Mint realised that something was off but she did not say anything about it. She probably figured that I did not want to talk about it or she just did not feel like listening to me. Whatever it was, I was kind of glad that she did not ask and kind of disappointed because she did not ask. Yes, I was complicated.

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