Marlene waved her off, "oh it's alright Valentina, you don't have to explain, Sirius' has already ran me through the details. The situation with Sirius and I, it's water under the bridge"

She suddenly realised that Valentina was still stood in the corridor.

"come in"

The Gryffindor parties never disappointed and as usual it was extremely packed.

Sirius instantly spotted her and made his way over.

"glad you came val" he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek

Valentina rolled her eyes and pushed him away, "very platonic and discreet"

Sirius laughed, "don't worry, everyone is too trollied to even notice. you always get here so late to these things"

" I know" she replied, "I have to wait until everyone is asleep before coming" she explained, "how come you're not drunk yet?" she raised an eyebrow questioningly. Sirius was never the kind to take it easy.

"I was waiting for you to get here" he explained, "thought we could start together, then were the same level of drunk. You're sober, I'm sober. If you're tipsy, I'm tipsy. If you're throwing up, im throwing up. If you're paralytic, im paralytic. If-"

"Sirius I get it" she laughed cutting him off

Sirius smiled, "come on, lets get a drink"

He wrapped his hand around her and guided her through the crowd of bodies as they made their way to the drinks table. Valentina had spotted James, Remus and Peter and waved to them across the room. Whilst Sirius was sober, his best friends seemed terribly drunk.

"Here" he said handing Valentina the glass and taking a sip from his own. Valentina followed him and took a sip.

Coughing and spluttering she looked to Sirius appalled whilst Sirius found it highly amusing.

"Christ Sirius!" she exclaimed, pulling a face and looking down at her cup, "how can you even drink that?"

Sirius took another gulp, shrugging, "practice"

Valentina shook her head in dismay.

"you look stunning tonight val" he smiled cheekily, the rip of the cup to his lips, looking her up and down

"now that's not very friend like is it Black?" she teased

"Oh come off it Val" he rolled his eyes, "we might say that were only friends but it doesn't make it true"

Valentina smiled and breathed through her nose in entertainment, taking another sip and furrowing her eyebrow at the strong levels of whatever alcohol she was drinking.

Sirius placed his drink down, "want to dance?" he asked, pointing to where some of the other students were dancing to the music next to the fireplace

"dance?" she asked. Valentina couldn't think of anything worse.

Sirius laughed at the face she pulled, "come on boring"

Once again he dragged her through the crowd.

Sirius grabbed both her hands and pulled her into the group of students happily dancing.

He shimmied his shoulder jokingly and Valentina closed her eyes in embarrassment but couldn't help but smile widely.

Sirius quickly pulled her into him and Valentina gasped in surprise. She rolled her eyes as her body rocked side to side with Sirius. "you're such an idiot" she said

Sirius responded by stepping back and spinning Valentina suddenly and then bringing her back into her chest.

She stared at him with wide eyes before she burst out laughing, she couldn't help herself. Her laugh was too contagious and Sirius laughed heartedly with her. "come on Val, have some fun with me" he said, grabbing her hands once again and and moving his shoulders in time with the music, consequently making Valentina mirror the move.

Valentina sighed, if she couldn't let loose with Sirius who could she let loose with?

The pair of them had finished dancing, breathing heavy and sweat glistened on their foreheads.

"lets go for a walk" Sirius suggested

Valentina didn't find herself disagreeing.

Sirius quickly ran upstairs and grabbed the marauders map and a bottle of fire-whiskey. he shoved the map under his arm and took Valentina's hand in his.

The corridors were not cold and the warmth from earlier on in the day still lingered in the air.

Their arms swung between them with their hands intertwined, Valentina holding the bottle, pouring a little into Sirius mouth whenever he gestured as Sirius held the map open, in his other hand. They could have easily let go of each others hands, but they just didn't want to.

They talked about everything and anything, except the things they wished to forget, the things which were always such a big elephant in the room.

"Shit" Sirius hissed, eyes staring at the map

"what?" she asked In concern

"its my brother"

Valentina barely had time to reply before she was dragged into a broom-closet by Sirius.

She gasped as Sirius placed his hand over her mouth to stop her making a sound. They both remained silent, unmoving, pressed against each other in the tight space of the broom cupboard. Valentina could feel Sirius' hot breath against her cheek as he towered over her, looking down at her. She looked up at him with big eyes and Sirius wanted nothing more than to kiss her with everything he had. But he wouldn't, Valentina didn't want that. But if Sirius had it his way they'd still be together and their relationship would be public. After graduation they'd be moving in together. Alas, that wasn't how the world worked.

Still, it didn't make it any easier for him. He could see that Valentina's skirt had ridden up her milky smooth thigh and her strap of her top and fallen off her shoulder in the rush. Her big doe eyes stared up to his almost longingly and her lips looked so soft and delicate to kiss.

"do you think he's gone?" he asked, picking up the map he'd dropped, looking for his brothers name. "he's in the library" Sirius concluded, "what on earth is he doing there at this time of night?" he asked in confusion

Valentina hadn't been listening. Perhaps it was from the alcohol surging though her body or the lack of physical touch and affection she had experience the past few months.

"that's strange that he-"

Valentina cut Sirius off as she smashed her lips into Sirius' with such force Sirius caught her body as it fell into his. Sirius' back hit the wall and his arms snaked around her her hips eagerly.

He pulled away, "val-"

"no, don't" she stopped him, "I need you Sirius. I always will"

Sirius didn't need telling twice and connected their lips once again.

Valentina had never been a situation like this before.

Heavy breathing and wandering hands in a broom cupboard. Sirius just had a magical way of making her let go and be free. To unwind and actually just have some fun.

Sirius pulled away and started kissing her neck before whispering into her ear, "not in here Val"

The pair of them ran through the corridor laughing, hands intertwined, the map under Sirius' arm and the bottle of fire whiskey forgotten in the cupboard.

As Valentina shut the door to Sirius' dorm he placed his hot sweet lips back into her, backing her into the door.

"I love you"

Valentina couldn't help but feel like it was a somewhat of a goodbye.

Trouble~ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now