75 • No More Loose Ends

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Mature content ahead.


The day was here.

The day Liyanin had both been excited and worried for.

Her dance.

Ergo, Ftxozää Aytulkun Atätxaw.

In reality, everyone in the village had been waiting for this day. To see their brothers and sisters again, it was a long-awaited wish.

The village was so lively, so eager. So bright. It was beautiful. The sound of laughter filled the air, along with shouts of joy. The flowers that clung to the decorated Marui pods, their petals would blow throughout the wind, scattering across the sea's surface.

As Liyanin walked out of her pod, some of the petals landed in her soft, bouncy curls.

The sun rays were bright hitting her face, causing her to put a hand up to help block some of the light. She smiled upon seeing the sparkling village; she couldn't remember the last time the place was so gleeful. She felt a hand land on her shoulder, so she turned to see who it was.

"...Hi, Mom." She said, beaming softly at Ronal.

"My daughter," she replied, her fingers rubbing Liyanin's shoulder gently. "...today is the day."

Liyanin inhaled deeply, looking into her mom's eyes. "...yes. It is."

"Do you feel ready?" her voice was so calming, yet strong. It felt like a protective embrace.

"Ready...ready for this...of course, I have been practicing for months for this I..." Liyanin's voice trailed off and so did her gaze. Were the words coming out of her mouth even those of that in which she believed? Were they just things she thought her mom wanted to hear?

"Liya, my dear. This..." Ronal placed her hand on her daughter's heart. "...it does not lie."

The girl turned to face the woman, locking eyes with the netted path. After a bit she looked up at her mother. A trembling smile formed. Ronal caressed Liyanin's cheek, noticing her nerves.

"You have always struggled with your worries. But..." Ronal now grabbed one of Liyanin's hands, making her feel her own heartbeat. "...you have always been strong. Remember when you helped Tiluway?"

Liyanin couldn't say anything, only nodding.

"My little girl has...she has evolved, into a...a woman. A woman I never could have imagined. Even your powers, Ma'ite."

As the two women laid their heads on one another, flashes of events of the past months played across both their minds. They soaked in the memories, relishing them—the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Tonowari walked upon them, seeing their moment. He was going to call out his mate's name, but instead took in the sight in silence.

Ronal now opened her eyes, looking over Liyanin one more time before stepping back to look at her daughter in her entirety. Liyanin laughed a little, then noticed her dad. Tonowari's grin was so proud, so blissful. Seeing him caused her to tear up a little, making her wipe away the drops before they could even fall.

"Your mother is right." He said, engulfing her in one of his one-armed big hugs. "You are no longer our 'itesyìp."

She still couldn't bring herself to speak. Only a mixture of laughter and tears were the things she could manage to let out.

"Come, come, Liya. It is time for you to get dressed." Ronal said, rubbing her back.

"...yes, it is." She responded, finally able to use her words again.

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