19 • Compassion and Discord

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After a couple days of thinking and planning since Kinat had offered her help, Neytiri had finally figured out what she had wanted to do for Kiri and Tuk's ioi, so she went to go get the materials, but realized, she didn't know where to go get them. She remembered Kiri walking in with lots of weaving fabric, so she decided to ask her where she found them. Kiri had showed her the way to the weaving house, but then she asked why she needed to go there. She hadn't thought up a cover story yet, so she had no idea what to say.

"...I...realized I have not made you a top in a long time. I know you like to weave your own clothes, but I would like to give you something."

Kiri was taken aback slightly, surprised that her mom wanted to do that for her. Neytiri was always so occupied with making Tuk's clothes, that Kiri started to do it herself for herself in order to lessen the workload on her.

"Oh, thanks, Mom...!" she said, giving her a warm hug. "...I hope you find what you need in here."

Neytiri nodded and waited until Kiri left to start grabbing the materials she needed. She was kind of surprised at how much fabric they had that could help her include some aspects of the forest, since they are a reef clan. She picked some red, green, and orange fabric, common colors of the forest people's clothes. She noticed a chest and was curious as to what was inside, but as she made her way over, a familiar voice spoke to her.

"Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite." The person said, causing Neytiri to turn around. It was Ronal, and she was holding a few pieces of fabric herself. When the former saw the latter, she addressed her with oel ngati kameie, and as a shocker, Ronal returned it back. Neytiri was caught off guard by this mutual treatment, but she then chalked it down to it being because of the festive mood in the air.

Ronal's eyes had found its way down to the items in Neytiri's arms, seeing the many colors of fabric she picked. "...Are you going to make ioi for your family?" Ronal asked.

"Yes, I am." Neytiri replied, trying to stay amicable. The two ladies didn't get off on the right foot when they first met, so the air was kind of tense. Soon after, though, Kinat had thankfully walked in with a younger girl beside her, who was clad in a wonderfully woven apparel, the only thing it seemed to be missing were some accessories, which was probably why they were here. When Kinat saw Ronal, she addressed her formally, and then made her way to the accessory chest, the girl doing the same. She then saw Neytiri, who was near said chest, and gave her a warm greeting.

"Oh, it is you again!" she grabbed Neytiri's shoulder. "...I see you have made your first choices. Are you ready to start weaving?"

"Yes, I am ready." She replied, smiling lightly at the woman. The young girl who came in with Kinat, presumably her daughter, started to dig through the chest.

"That is right, I never even asked for your name, what is it?" Kinat asked.

"It is Neytiri."

"Neytiri...what a nice name," Kinat said. She then pulled the girl she walked in with by the arm, making her face Neytiri. "This is my daughter, Peya."

"...It is nice to meet you, my mother does not cease her tales of the day you rescued the materials for her ioi." The girl laughed, making Neytiri become a bit bashful. Peya then turned to Ronal, who was fingering her way through some gemstones and other shiny rocks. Kinat also turned her attention to the leader, wanting to ask her a question. "Are you making Liyanin's ioi asrew, Ronal?" she asked the woman. "I have heard that she will be the one dancing this year~."

"Why indeed I am," she turned to face the group. "...and yes, she will. She has finally agreed to performing, so I want her to have as many options as possible."

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